Does anyone want to apply for the final workshop? It will be split into 3 Zoom sessions in March 2022. There are 3 or 4 days between the sessions...
Do you have a friend or relative who would complete it? I think all of us could do with more choices. The whole 59 will be recorded and...
@PhysiosforME, would any of you be able to sign up for this?
It could be that Col Etherington did not fancy the idea of a move to the Midlands, so is now concentrating on other roles.
Headley Court was sold and due to be converted to living accommodation and a newly built place, nearer the centre of the country 'Stanford Hall'...
Have attached my Top Ten, for interest
Yes, but we are about to eat. Will be later or tomorrow.
My longing is that we get funding in biomedical research into the causes and pathology of ME. We cannot develop effective treatments until we...
Although these types of questions are usually "Out of Scope" (OOS), we did manage to retain some of them. Such as: Q 41, Why don't some health...
Action for ME have a draft letter on the update for people to send to their GPs:...
Would it be worth copying your emails to Ken Stein at NIHR, after his comments on Cochrane at the Virtually Cochrane conference earlier this year.
Someone has tweeted them about the Solve You+ME registry.
There were a large number of conditions asked about in the original questions, so the top 4 (numerically) were included in the question. The...
I can't press like on the above. This is like going back to the Dark Ages.
The JLA doesn't really do much re this. Early on they said that they had found over the years that translating surveys had not significantly...
Thanks @Lucibee
Results from the MEAction UK survey of "Your experiences of ME Services" in UK from Autumn 2019....
It seems that TRACCS is just a renaming and possible expansion of the old CFS service: "Living with CFS/ME can be...
According to Facebook posts, she is still very active in clinics. She is a nurse who has done a PhD in CFS! She was the clinic lead at GOSH. There...
Anna Gregorowski is fully BPS and a Crawley follower. She ran the CFS paediatric clinic at Gt Ormond St. It is now based at UCLH. Further...
Separate names with a comma.