Many people Can't do "timely" rest/convalescing when they are first sick, unless they want to rest/convalesce in the gutter. Jobs, rent,...
Whether or not Elaine Wilkinson is actually doing NHS pilot trials, and there may be pilots, she is still conning pwme out of £27 a month by...
Inserting the issue of SMC reporting of ME into a paragraph that early on includes the words "violent reprisals" (in relation to animal rights...
Elaine Wilkinson does big up her various activities, any meetings with health professionals, her influence. But she still claims that "NHS...
Royal Cornwall Hospitals "a collaborative biopsychosocial/occupational approach to patient rehabilitation and care. Applications need to be able...
The more he's proved wrong the more he's honoured. [MEDIA]
10th July 2022 ''COVER UP' Gulf war veterans set to take government to court in billion-pound legal battle over illnesses caused by their...
Done, Registered, Reading. Thank you. What a horror story. Hope he doesn't last long.
Do you have a Link for that please?
From Physios for ME 3rd Anniversary Statement '5. An international interview-based study exploring the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve...
What's going on? The same as what's been going on for the last few years. Procrastination, evasion, avoidance.
I am also very concerned about the communication style of DwME. It is not the case that DwME's communications only come across as impenetrable...
The word "tiredness" must be removed from training and articles on ME. The NHS page on ME has a hell of a lot to answer for calling ME...
Lightning Process is an Obedience Training.
That is outrageous. None of the references appear to be later than 2012 (a quick glance). Edit, seen one from 2017, British Journal of...
Graded Exercise, under whatever new name the clinics/PTs/ OTs/psychotherapists have devised for it - graded pacing/ graded activity/pacing up/ etc...
'King's Centre for Military Health Research 15 Year Report - summary of our scientific work'...
Stone and Sharpe lobbied the DSM-5 to change the name of Conversion Disorder to FND. Jon Stone, Michael Sharpe and others in their 2010...
Right, I hear you Andy. I do think we need to know who is representing us. Looks like some kind of (online) system is needed so patient reps...
Yes, a BPS oriented training org for professionals. BACME (British Association of Clinicians in ME) made a reasonable sounding statement after...
Separate names with a comma.