Does anyone know to what extent BACME are involved in Javid's project? I keep forgetting what to call it.
To what extent are BACME involved in the new ME project?
The criticism levelled at the CMRC in the early years was justified. NICE '21 patient reps were named, NICE '07 patient reps were named. Who...
I think that question from Caroline Lucas was instigated by the Sussex ME/CFS Society (Lucas is a Patron), the BPS-supporting Sussex Society are...
Professor Manju Kurian UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health 'The Neurogenetics Group (led by Dr Manju Kurian) focuses on the...
Brendan O'Neill in Spiked 17th September 2021 'Is Long Covid a myth?' 'Middle-class hypochondria seems to play an important role in this...
Indeed. The NIHR funding decision making process does seem to be shrouded in obscurity and unaccountability. And NIHR seem to be a Byzantine...
What I really mean in my post above (#189) is will the NIHR now Stop it's funding of psychosocial research that purports to be about ME, or about...
We definitely need a change of research funding priorities at the NIHR, which has been a major conduit for funding psychosocial 'CFS' and...
It would be helpful to know who the experts/researchers and others at this meeting were. Lucy Chappell was at the meeting as the (since 2021)...
ME Association twitter this morning (10/6/2022) [MEDIA] [MEDIA] .
March 24th 2022 Jon Stone "Next stop FNSD >> FND" [MEDIA]
Back in October 2017: 'Letter to the Prime Minister – reconsider of the appointment of Professor Simon Wessely Today over 65 Deaf and Disabled...
Fiona Fox is on a book promotion circuit. She promoted her book at the Hay Book Festival on Sunday the 5th June...
Intensive marketing of the FND Brand
Tymes Trust Report 2008 'Child Protection Issues: A Presentation to the All Party Parliamentary Group on ME' Jane Colby Former Headteacher...
In the HoC Debate on ME in 2019 Carol Monaghan MP relates what happened to an 8 year old child with ME ("B") when Social Services put the child on...
What is quoted under Keith Geraghty's tweet is from Carmine Pariante interviewing Fiona Fox 31/5/2022 [MEDIA] The same interview on the...
Where did Fiona Fox write that @Adam pwme ? Fiona Fox appears to have written a universal get-out clause for anything she wrote in her book. On...
@MSEsperanza wrote: "But is there currently any treatment where there are equally promising puzzle pieces as there were for Rituximab?"...
Separate names with a comma.