I haven't watched the series yet, but I read an article which said that the programme makers have since been inundated with requests from people...
There is also an easier to listen version for ME sufferers. I've listened to the first 30 minutes, it seems like an excellent review of ME history...
Anyone else spot the irony of the closing credit? [ATTACH]
Well they couldn't start with the traditional "You are feeling sleepy ..."
The episode is back up on the iPlayer, with the following message: Haven't watched the edited version.
I've read the first two and just ordered this one.
Saw this on my Sky News app and smelt a rat immediately ......
In Germany, there are also: - Fatigatio e.V. https://www.fatigatio.de/ - Lost Voices Foundation https://lost-voices-stiftung.org/ - Diverse...
I don't know why they think it's an appropriate thing to have on a sleep disorders website, people like me will be up all night trying to beat...
I took the test last night around midnight, I'm a night owl. I was tired, but not ME tired. Thought I'd compare with midday, and managed a little...
Thank you. I had no idea.
Oh good, a competition. Results: Test Duration= 122 seconds Number of false starts= 0 Average response time= 266 msec over 25 attempts. Your...
I kid you not, at first take I read that as " ... cremating real-world solutions ... ".
From their newsletter, DeepL translation: ME/CFS Research Foundation announces research funding strategy and appoints international scientific...
Really, have you learned nothing from these people? Can we tweak that to Infantilising Demeaning Insulting Oppressive Totally Insensitive Crap?...
I post this on behalf of @MSEsperanza, who is currently unable to post: In reply to others' questions about the definition of GET. Not sure...
Could try this: Elsevier journals: publication fees and access to paywalled articles On the above thread @MSEsperanza tried it successfully.
It's actually the pension authority that is pushing GET onto patients. No GET, no disability pension. It's a great way to discourage people from...
Elsevier journals -- Access for healthcare and patients Patient access Patients and caregivers can make requests for individual papers related...
Elaine Wilkins is faking a career for secondary gains.
Separate names with a comma.