What a spiteful load of tittle-tattle. Stopped reading before I got half way.
Meaningful, significant. Aussage is a statement, so Aussagekräftig is strong or powerful enough to allow a statement to be made. I think.
My best effort at a translation of that twitter thread: Martin Rücker The topic of aid for #MECFS sufferers is now finally the subject of...
Martin Rücker auf Twitter: „Das Thema Hilfen für #MECFS-Betroffene ist nun endgültig Gegenstand parteipolitischer Auseinandersetzungen. Das ist...
Simon Wessely: Whereas poisoned schoolgirls are safer letting the Iranian government handle it than having Wessely handle it.
Sabine Hermisson auf Twitter: „Ich bin sehr gerührt: In Milas alter Schule starteten Jugendliche mit dem IT-Lehrer das Projekt, ein...
Sky News article: https://news.sky.com/story/new-long-covid-drug-may-significantly-reduce-fatigue-in-patients-12856906
ME/CFS: New training series for affected children and young people as part of a study...
2nd International Meeting of the CFC - Charité Fatigue Center ME/CFS Conference 2023 - Understand, Diagnose, Treat Date: Thursday, May 11,...
Anyone who claims to be an expert in M.E. with a treatment plan involving exercise every single day should be thanked politely for their time and...
Not worried, just buggered if I'm giving them my phone number, so I'll let other people play with it, feed it with data and tell me about it.
Timo Strotmann on Twitter: "We plan to hold protests in front of the institution of the European Union [IMG] in the future. For this we need many...
They have been delivering false hope since 2016. I find their grand promises of a breakthrough just around the corner (usually trumpeted for the...
[ATTACH] Hadn't noticed that their official slogan includes "Delivering Hope." I expect somebody thinks this is a good thing.
Derek Hatton?
[MEDIA] Today in the @SZ : a guest article by psychosomatics expert Peter Henningsen on #LongCovid...
The comments under that article on the website are unanimously ungrateful.
Who is looking after all these people with long covid? Could there be a large number of healthy employable people who have had to switch to...
About a year before I considered myself an ME sufferer, or had even heard of it, I started noticing that sport didn't seem to do anything for me...
Well I thought it was a good article, highlighting the impossible hurdles and complete lack of support severe ME sufferers face, and what happens...
Separate names with a comma.