Was there not a Cochrane group that looked at the rules for bias which included a BPS guy who got the rules relaxed so that PACE could be...
The patients who were involved in the trial were preselected by the people running the trial much the same way it was to be done in the LP trial...
Possibly, the ones who stayed in Britain would still have trained with live ammunition. Now I think about it, why would soldiers who stayed in...
Fatigue was not the main symptom of ME, that was an abnormal response to exercise. When the CDC considered the Lake Tahoe outbreak they thought...
The most interesting parallel with shellshock is that it was considered psychological for years but with today's technology we know that...
In the days before CFS, ME was considered a disease where there was an abnormal reaction to exercise which is close to the Workwell findings of...
I started to take it and thought I felt a bit better but then I went for the weekend to see my son and his family. Three young kids so it was...
I think people resent that they feel fatigue but still do things, like getting out of bed on a winter's morning to go to work while some people...
We have to remember that the beauty of the CPET test is that it is a standard diagnostic test used routinely all over the world. This is not like...
This is worrying because it show the way that ME = CFS = chronic fatigue is used to dismiss all the biomedical problems we have. This has been the...
On other forums, I have come across stories of people who were bedridden then became well and are now very athletic. Most, if not all of them had...
I think this is a report of the same research on the BBC news https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57431412 Some interesting bits more...
I could be seen as perfectionist. I like my house to be tidy and my drawers are very neat, But this is because of my ME. I get bouts of blindness...
Every statement in the conclusion has a may or a might. Hardly compelling.
Enteroviruses are known to cause diseases of the brain and heart as well as hand foot and mouth disease and summer flu. They also have mechanisms...
I think they just updated the McEvedy mass hysteria from 1970 to illness behaviour, so dropped hysteria which was going out of favour for a more...
The main reason to believe that ME comes after infection is that people get it during outbreaks. Syphilis lives in the body forever causes...
I got the BCG after I had ME. Did not help, obviously :)
We could do with a care button like they put on facebook. How dreadful for both of you.
Nothing, no type of evidence, demonstration of error in any part of the process of research, patient experience, expert testimony, committee...
Separate names with a comma.