The curse of the nice, neat table. Biological systems are messy.
How on Earth does that work? Anyway, if the right test is done first it will be cheaper, simple as that. Many diseases are not very expensive to...
There is also an assumption that injecting someone with saline is a non treatment. This is not the same as eating a bit of sugar that looks like a...
It is very common for the reference to not match the claim or for it to be true but lying in overall effect. One Wesseley paper had a reference...
The more they work out how energy is produced the closer they will be to finding the cause of ME. Vice versa, studying ME may give them insight...
I am sure I heard about a firm where every Friday they had a compulsory get together where they exercised as a group. They did fun things and...
A late answer but this illustrates 2 problems with PEM. Finding standing still was more difficult than standing and moving was seen as being...
Any part of the brain can be affected by a stroke or an infection. The resulting damage will give the same result as more usual diseases though...
My aunt died of pancreatic cancer with the common 4 months from diagnosis to death. For over three of those months she looked marvellous. Her...
Then these unproven gems - These stories always sound so good they are becoming more widely believed.
A diagnosis should help you a lot. I often wonder if a lot of medically unexplained disease is caused by genetic disease thta almost reaches the...
I gave up hope and felt much better. In my case I realised I was always waiting till I was better before doing anything, always hoping the next...
That is the myalgia of myalgic encephalomyelitis. I feel as if there is acid in my muscles and bones constantly and it is one kind of pain....
Charles Shepherd once said that people with ME needed some meat in their diet and that vegetarians did not do so well. (It went down very badly so...
My daughter was an nurse on an orthopaedic trauma ward. Patients were usually very reluctant to take pain killers but it was explained to them...
My thought processes can be very slow these days. I got caught up in a point about this thread and not the basis for it, sorry. I have never...
Maybe the drugs they use for psychiatric disorders knacker the gut.
The nervous system and the brain are so complicated - described as being "complicated beyond words" by one neurologist - that it is ludicrous to...
I think the problem is that she is working for an publicly funded organisation which has a duty to be impartial in it's statements. Also, because...
Separate names with a comma.