I'm also an MEAction volunteer. I believe there are around 50 of us in the UK and we all communicate on Slack, a team messaging workspace set up...
They have to fundraise through the US-registered charity. It's not registered as a charity in the UK yet so donations wouldn't qualify for gift...
Not sure where to ask this, but I'm going to the NICE workshop next Friday and have heard there's a thread where this is being discussed. Is there...
Lyme's is rife in our area (New Forest) and I think the GPs around here automatically prescribe antibiotics if you get bitten by a tick. I often...
Hi Andy. I'm sorry to hear you couldn't make it but glad I didn't miss you. There are some great photos on Twitter and Facebook. We had over 400...
John at the MEA has been helping many of us with PR. Tbh I expected that would have included promoting it on your social media platform. So, I'm...
I did two interviews on Radio Solent yesterday morning on different transmitters for Hampshire/ IOW and Dorset. The first was at 7am...
As if by magic, I've been asked to speak on BBC Radio Solent on Thursday morning. I'll be talking about ME, #MM in Southampton and what we want to...
That just affects London though. Manchester was extremely quick off the ground. A few of the organisers from various cities are in contact with...
The generic MEAction press release was reworked by a London PR agency and is available in the MEAction Tools section. Many of the organisers have...
Thank you. I'm currently applying for an Education & Health Care assessment for my daughter and some of this will help me very easily explain the...
Ah sorry! It was just that it came through shortly after posting this so I thought I recognised your name. Sorry again.
Thank you @Trish for your story. x
Just bumping this back up. If you are able, please can you send us one (or both) of the following to help increase the visual impact of this...
Yes! Please do send us your tag messages. We've collected loads of shoes and will put them out with or without tags, but it'll much better if they...
I've heard from a number people over the last 2 years who tell me of the things their best friend's aunt's work colleague or [insert other random...
That's a good idea. Is there anyone from Invest in ME on this forum? I see their registered address is in Eastleigh so maybe they'd like to come...
It's good to see this written down in a way that doesn't trivialise cancer as I find it hard to get across how I feel about the difference in how...
Haha! That's exactly what went through my mind! (I haven't yet!)
What was the tweet you shared?
Separate names with a comma.