See link at the bottom of the page, "Message from the Chair on ME Awareness Month 2018" Dear...
Happy Birthday, Alem! Heartfelt love and thanks for all you've done for everyone with ME around the world. Wishing you improving health. Very...
Quite so, all the enablers who are complicit in this, all who knowingly ignore the science or who don't care enough to take the time to look at...
Very powerful and heartbreaking article. Tears of sadness. So very, very sorry to hear how poorly he is now. My heart goes out to him and to his...
I've not even started to read all of this yet, it will take my brain time to try and take it all in, but I just wanted to thank you and Mary for...
Then why don't they altruistically fund other diseases? Why just ME?
Many thanks for posting Binkie4. The sounds not very good but well worth listening to. He says patients have lots of mutations. Does anyone know,...
Second donation done.
Ron Davis and co seem to be finding the opposite with ME, reduced deformability: OMF-funded research: red blood cell deformability in ME/CFS...
Every best wish x
'But it is not objective - you choose how active to be.'' And people chose how far to walk in the 6 minute walking test and how many steps to...
If anyone felt inclined, maybe it would be a good idea to send a link to Dave's crowd funding page to your local ME charity, saying you just...
If anyone felt inclined, maybe it would be a good idea to send this on to our local ME charities round the world, saying you just wanted to let...
They know full well what they're doing, what they've been doing all these years. Genuine researchers who held their view that ME is a behavioural...
Yes, and ME/CFS patients at the start of the trial are not to be believed as they by definition have wrong illness beliefs, but following CBT/GET...
Yes I think that's right and that's why it feels uncomfortable to read, not bizarre, well thought out and trying to bait a vexatious response.
This is really bizarre....I feel quite uncomfortable with it, why's he doing this, what's going on ....or has he lost it? Bizarre.......
I find Sharpe's shall I put it.....odd. He is repeatedly laying himself open to people posting evidence which shows what he is... Autoimmun Rev. 2018 Apr 7. pii: S1568-9972(18)30088-0. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2018.01.009. [Epub...
Yes I see.
Separate names with a comma.