But if some of that "smallest difference they could possibly report as statistically significant" was due to these patients they are still...
Yes I think that is right but friend who has FM has to exercise every day or she gets worse but if she overdoes it she gets worse too. So it could...
jennysunstar @jennysunstar 3h3 hours ago Replying to @keithgeraghty Keith please look at MM p58, FMS patients actively recruited to trial,...
Here's a critique of the patients and therapists manuals from Magical Medicine, p316, the APT patient manual and therapists manual starts at p...
Regarding Wessely and the CTU, I found this on the PACE Trial Identifier: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
So from TMG meeting 4, 23rd January 2004: "7. Trial Steering Committee (TSC): Final Membership and Date of 1st Meeting The MRC have confirmed...
Thanks, would it be normal to have an Analysis Strategy Group? And if so why wouldn't they not have been mentioned earlier in say in the protocol?...
So they talk of the Analysis Strategy group. From the PACE paper, my bold:...
Really excellent, clear and damning explanations, thanks so much to all involved, a very valuable resource.
Or a man who knows full well what's what but is prepared to back his colleagues none the less. Also he seems to be heavily into MUS so I guess he...
Excellent, thanks so much for all your dogged work x
I think this, point 27, is a relevant bit: 27. The Commissioner asked the University to provide her with copies of the original COI statements,...
Quite so, it's clearly and simply written, not trying to bamboozle readers any more than is necessary with scientific jargon.
Excellent, thanks so much to all involved, to the healthy authors for coming to our aid and standing up for science and to the ME authors for...
They want us to feel f'cked, part of their ploy, but don't let them win! They're running scared, this fact sheet was a different tone from...
And here’s the Gibson Inquiry Report and their comments re MRC, published when Blakemore was CEO....
Jonathan, here is some info on Colin Blakemore/ME/MRC in case of help. Info for others, Professor Sir Colin Blakemore was CEO of MRC 2003-2007,...
I wonder if that is so, simply because it was, is so difficult for researchers to get funding.
Glad to hear. Flush through....what an appropriate phrase!
Very true.
Separate names with a comma.