Very poignant. Does anyone know if there are plans to distribute this film through various social media? Or can it only be accessed through the...
I couldn't understand the purpose of this as research as it seems self-evident that co-morbid anxiety and or depressive symptoms would indicate...
I agree with both these statements and don't see them as mutually exclusive. As ill people we are reliable experts of our illness experience....
Research on rodents. In a paper...
But this isn't what happens. Aside from the fact that people get many neurological symptoms after exertion they also do not experience the type...
IMO even if sleep disturbance were primary the issue is not about tweeking a few things behaviourally to encourage better sleep. It certainly has...
Yes it does. Putting up stories of people praising the product while ignoring people who have reported being harmed is I think actually illegal....
This is EUROMENE Specific Objective statement: So they are right on target for their own agenda. Nothing good was ever going to be on offer...
Tip-toeing through the garden of silly treatments so as to not disturb the snakes that live there. This is 'thought experiment lite'....
Does anyone know of the status of this study? Is it still going on? When might they have some results?
Back on the 'Mind, Body, Illness: Amidst Pandemic, Opportunities for discovery' blog highlighted earlier the dialogue continues in the comments....
And that's what it seems to me after learning to think in a more probing way with regards to sciency statements. Lots of science words string...
Yes, I would have liked to go back and have a look at all of the original papers that were cited as I think that might be useful-- it's also a...
If the Nigerian Princes' were being taken seriously by others with the power to disseminate the NP nonsense then I think that people might feel...
At last, apologies if anything here is unclear or seems out of order. This was rather ambitious for me, although I think as mentioned more can be...
The core hypothesis of the curative nature of the LP is:
The health issues that the LP is meant to treat are: It is then suggested that you contact a...
The LP is an evolving entity. There is the content of the treatment (what the clients are told about the LP and what it does/how it works) and...
The explanation for what is perpetuating symptoms is: The core hypothesis of the...
I was scanning Phil Parker's website and a pattern emerged that I'd like to comment on. PP and others he's gathered to the fold have been...
Separate names with a comma.