Thank-you for taking the time to write a clear and honest assessment of your experience on Keto. I expect there may be (if not in your case, for...
Strange that Nath noticed the ALS symptoms in his HIV patients in 2005 and yet it's only being talked about now? Admittedly I only read the first...
Actually, I'm wondering if it would be possible for someone to set up a template and then volunteers could fill in the fields of a particular...
This reminds me of how the BPS researchers have never bothered to track adverse outcomes. So no harm done. Dispelling unhelpful beliefs runs the...
You're quoting the Zealot not the grifter. Unless I'm misunderstanding something about the way you're quoting . . .
Sounds like minor tweaking and all is well.
The conflation of chronic fatigue and this illness has been effective in creating confusion so profound that it is requiring extraordinary...
I'm scratching my head wondering how CBT for low quality indoor air managed to gain any traction as an idea with anyone. Clearly somebody is...
The layout of slides and info looks impressive to me. As if time was taken and it also seems somewhat comprehensive (or as Trish called it--all...
I just came upon this separately from this thread. Here is a link to the project.
Also, if there is research that exists only behind a paywall it is much better to have it freely available on sci-hub for scrutiny. If you don't...
Also for bathroom tiles after they are clean (I second the vinegar use along with some baking soda if needed) I would suggest a squeegee. It...
Yes, admittedly there are no easy answers. I do think it might be useful at the teaching level to admit to rather more limitations of treatment...
I have no expertise and maybe wading in where I don't belong but it seems to me that people who have legitimately experienced benefits from...
@TheBassist I don't think that link works. At least I can't get it to open.
Perhaps a Game of Thrones type scenario where the last one standing gets a free ride to Mars.
Yes the top photo definitely looks like post mortem. But science news articles seem to not mind photos that bear little relation to the subject....
The smoking bit reminds me of something I read recently. The language used is annoying (magic) but according to them the science says that lung...
Don't know why this wasn't thought of before now. From the article: Dr Lein and his...
I think she might be trying to head off a (gentle) confrontation with @Andy ;)
Separate names with a comma.