It's likely there's going to be a lot of opinions from people that haven't even read the evidence documentation NICE has provided or even...
I was reading through Hilda's blog post on the pace trial:...
I don't really see why a computational infectious disease epidemiologist would have any special insight into whether long covid is psychosomatic
I'm not sure what they mean by that, but if you download a pdf from sci-hub it's the same as the pdf you would've gotten from the journal website,...
The plan doesn't mention an assessment or consideration of the quality of outcome measures for ME/CFS (like for example SF-36 or the Chalder...
The 5% figure came from a review ( that mostly relied on people that had been sick for around 5 years or...
I'm not sure if someone has already mentioned this but in Busse's letter where he refers to the NICE review as a "disastrous misapplication of...
Some psychotherapy is like that, like psychodynamic psychotherapy, but the CBT kind tends to try to be more scientific and medical. It's not clear...
The illnesses that counted as MUS in this study were: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gulf War Illness, Fibromyalgia, and/or...
The pacing study is interesting but I'm pretty skeptical of how useful it'll be. Whether you trigger PEM is dependent on cognitive and physical...
I don't really understand exactly what the LOCOMOTION study is doing. Will it be collecting data from long covid clinics and other clinics in...
His name isn't on this list of funded projects at least. I don't really see why he would be awarded funding for a study as the only thing he and...
I find what Wessely did with Gulf War Syndrome substantially worse than what he did with ME, in my opinion. He argued a lot more explicitly that...
It says "no posts in the last month". So not a particularly active one
The argument people seem to be making when they say stuff like that seems to be "This is possible, therefore you should treat this as true". A lot...
The primary outcome of this study didn't seem to reach the level of statistical significance. In the discussion it says: "In this 3-arm,...
Doing good research is hard, and almost involves setting yourself up to fail, and the incentives to publish research and pressure of the...
Earlier in the pandemic Trish Greenhalgh was one of the most outspoken people on twitter about long covid. She tweeted about it constantly, and...
I think this is an interesting piece with some possibly good ideas. In my opinion though, the main problem isn't that people with ME have had...
Tovey's response here seems to reflect this common idea that since ME/CFS is diagnosed based on subjective criteria (it's a "private experience"),...
Separate names with a comma.