What, are you expecting people to read beyond the positive spin in the abstract and judge for themselves? :laugh:
Cherry picking the litterature is rampant in BPS, though.
We don't know what is meant by "a bit". Dry mouth from this type of drug is a known risk factor for poor oral health, something not everyone is...
*Raises hand* Of course it would depend on how dry, but I would be worried about my oral health and ability to chew food properly.
The Regional Ethic Committee that approved the study has been intervied by NTNU's own university-newspaper: Lokal komite mente tiltakene...
It has been brought up on here previously. There was also another attempt in 2017(?), with a project from Wyller, and when they didn't get funding...
I could not read more than a few paragraphs of this. Registry data, that they claim show nothing serious occurs, have a lot of flaws when it comes...
Posts on how members have learned science have been moved to the thread An ME friendly way to learn science?.
My pulse can reduce a lot in a crash, with an accompanying higher HRV. Other times it will increase. I've heard the same from others. Mine is also...
They also closed the comment section right after Vogt wrote two long comments in reply to the ones already there questionin ghte narrative being...
Thanks for posting the quotes @Kalliope, I was a bit too tired (and I skipped quite a bit of whatever Vogt said and just read the brillian answer...
Henrik Vogt has been interview by Khrono: Frykter etisk avgjørelse har satt stopper for visse typer forskning Fearing ethical decision has put a...
The funding for this project is part of a program in Norway to increase competence found in state institutions in Norway(I don't think state is...
In the project description this is what is said about the follow up data collection (rewritten by me): NAV: 12 months before and 12-24 months...
NAV is the Norwegian disability institution, they were going to use NAV data to see if people improved their work capacity.
We could really need a study like that, but for some reason it has not been done. This might be going off-topic, but I have been wondering if the...
This reminds me, last summer when Dagbladet ++ wrote about the project, it was said they used "gold standard" methods, that has not been mentioned...
Sadly, this is seen as ok as it's "common practice" (what NEM wrote in their decision).
Agreed 100%. I feel people sometimes become forced to say it so they don't seem too "set against" LP, saying it's pure BS and not good for...
This is about mental health care in Norway, but their story about the undocumented treatment "Basal exposure therapy" and how it's been hyped...
Separate names with a comma.