Posts on the new petition to "Set up a national harms reporting scheme for non-pharmacological treatments" has been moved to the new thread United...
Tronstad has also written on the new guideline (or, a bit more about what might be going on in pwME cells with the guideline as a backdrop): Hva...
Three threads on the topic of long covid after breakthrough infection have been merged, and two additional post from the thread Possibility of ME...
Two posts on long covid after breaktrhough infection has been moved to this thread.
Yes, the homocysteine/methylmalonic acid issue is really only an issue if functional/subclinical is acknowledged in the first place :(
And with B12 it is so easy to say that a bloodtest is "fine", while the lower reference range is really really low... Germany recently updated...
The Norwegian ME Association has a program for how schools can help accomodate pwME (and reaches out to provide this info as well) :)
And some vetting should be done on what is said in an application. Recovery Norway should not be allowed to be branded as "patient collaborators"...
Another opinion piece on the Norwegian site Some good parts, but continously describes ME as a fatigue condition, and PEM is framed...
Beat me to it. That article was just... :banghead: I did not know she was part of Recovery Norge, but that explains a lot.
Ah you know, the subconscious ;) There is always an explanation, you just have to believe :whistle:
I have written about the lack of research ethics education in Norway before, but now there's yet another report that criticises our universities...
First non-opinion piece on the new NICE guidelines, not surprisingly the competence center "don't understand/are wondering why the new guidelines...
The research proposol for the LP study in Norway that got cancelled also included some large figures of money the muncipality would be able to "save".
I can't say I recall salicylates being mentioned much during my courses where intolerances were mentioned either. On the sciene - agree we need...
"Exercise gives you endorphins Endorphins makes you happy happy people don't shoot their husbands!"
The worst part is you could likely get adequate information about the diet for this type of study from a semiquantitative food questionnaire with...
I'm not sure what the added value of collecting data at more sites for illness studies. It is troubling enough we don't know what is "normal" in...
I'm not sure what you mean, to help with reviewing diets of people involved in studies or in general? For what it's worth I know two soon-to-be...
The last author (Wensaas) is a member of Collaborative on Fatigue Following Infection, so I am not at all surprised they have moved to "chronic...
Separate names with a comma.