Yes, what with him, and O'Neill, and probably a few other journalists, it seems that when we find someone who writes about the subject, be it LC...
Apparently the symptoms of the Omicron variant are different - milder - from the "usual" ones: exhaustion and fatigue, high pulse rate. Loss of...
That would be ... new variants like this one?...
Ah, thanks. When I had my last tetanus jab - when I was at uni - whoever administered it told me that I'd had enough to last me the rest of my...
Wow. A survey which actually allows you to click through the various pages before you answer anything!
I'm also wondering whether the new guidelines, in combination with changes to procedures "post-Covid", might also be of benefit? You may recall...
You could try this one, too:
Did I ever ask whether they were interested in getting "donations" from family members who *don't* have ME, as a comparison?
Good to hear that someone takes ME seriously. It had never occurred to me that fractionated doses might be an idea.
Yup, sounds pretty similar to our situation: I'm currently going through the 400 pages of printout and filleting out anything that needs to be...
Or in my case because I bookmarked it, intending to look up the relevant section of the SGB or whatever it was so I could know what I was signing...
I have to say that I don't remember any questions ever being asked about plans under the old guidelines, and I can't see that things would be any...
But you have to actually request the copy of the report, usually a couple of days after the assessment. Unfortunately, I didn't find out about...
Just wondering whether the new NICE ME/CFS guidelines can be beneficial at all in relation to all the various UK benefit applications? Haven't...
Scientists find gene that doubles risk of dying from Covid...
You mean like the photo of a woman in trainers, leggings and a T-shirt apparently jogging up a flight of steps in today's Guardian, for instance?...
I'm knackered, and off to bed. Don't stay up too long celebrating, for those of you for whom that's even vaguely an option :)
It is indeed: "Published: 29 October 2021" HALLELUJAH!!
"The other study from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found similar biological markers present in both long COVID patients and...
I'm sorry you've had all this to deal with, Binkie4. Don't forget to report any adverse reactions to the vaccines on the yellow card or whatever...
Separate names with a comma.