But we don’t say “negative physical stress” or “negative cognitive stress” so I see no reason why we should be saying “negative emotional stress”...
I didn't mean open talks for patients instead of their closed meeting. I meant it would have been nice if they created some presentations for us...
Janet gave us context about "Type A personality" in her tweet: "This is exactly why these meetings are not public. There is absolutely nothing...
[MEDIA] I can’t comprehend how people don’t see how things like “Type A personality” and “Negative Emotional Stress” stigmatize and harm us...
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] [ATTACH] WTF? We deserve so much better. :banghead:
NIH Extends Funding for ME/CFS Research Centers https://www.meaction.net/2022/09/07/nih-extends-funding-for-mecfs-research-centers/ [MEDIA]
How long covid studies could help scientists solve the long-unsolved mystery of post-viral illnesses Increased awareness, funding and research...
Doctors are taking it on themselves to figure out long Covid Absent more guidance from the government, physicians are sharing ideas for treating...
[MEDIA] Unbelievable, the experimental treatment for "brain fog" is a video game! :banghead:
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] Unfortunately, it's not going to be recorded for us to be able to watch. Edited to add: Later in the video Janet said that an...
“How Long?” For People with Long COVID, asks Powerful National Public Service Announcement...
https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/08/long-covid-congress-kaine-00049921 Tim Kaine has long Covid. That’s not moving Congress to act. While...
United States: Government Memorandum on Addressing the Long-Term Effects of COVID-19...
copied post https://abcnews.go.com/Health/government-reports-long-covid-lay-existing/story?id=87824116 New government reports on long COVID...
https://abcnews.go.com/Health/government-reports-long-covid-lay-existing/story?id=87824116 Post copied to a new thread:United States:...
I am a severe/very severe ME patient living in Massachusetts with no medical, dental (I have 2 broken teeth), or eye care. I have been sick since...
Fred Friedberg has written a few books, including one with Leonard Jason. I don't know why he keeps writing books, his top rated books only have...
The Perfect Predator: A Scientist's Race to Save Her Husband from a Deadly Superbug: A Memoir [MEDIA]
Merged thread No antibiotics worked, so this woman turned to a natural enemy of bacteria to save her husband's life, 2022, LaMotte...
Moved from the "Long Covid in the media and social media 2022" thread....
Separate names with a comma.