They would be if they took proper account of harms. Compare PACE and other BPS trials in 'CFS'. There is no way of reporting harms in the UK for...
Do you have any double blinded RCTs that you can quote?
For medical systems to respond, and proper long term care and support to be provided, the immunity from claims and prosecution granted to the...
The cognitive development of a child of a client of mine ceased from the MMR vaccination. The end result was an adult with the brain of an 18...
By far the greatest decline in such diseases occurred before the relevant vaccines were introduced, due to improvements in sanitation, nutrition...
Could we please have the same level of scientific integrity with regard to vaccination as we demand for ME? Is there any high quality independent...
Why? If vaccines protect the vaccinated, the number of non-vaccinated people is irrelevant to those who are vaccinated. Presumably those who are...
More congratulations, and thanks from me @Mike Harley!
I have to say I would prefer Dr Myhill to my current NHS GP!
Re legal expertise: is Valerie Eliot Smith a member?
I suggest collating evidence on 24 hour cortisol levels in ME which are often low, borderline or skewed (may correlate with skewed sleep patterns...
I believe it was also suggested that medical staff were likely to have had higher rates of vaccination.
The Myhill et al studies suggest a mechanism for delayed PEM:
I had fairly constant sore throats and sore and swollen lymph glands for a couple of decades after diagnosis, accompanied by hoarse/croaky voice....
Magical Medicine: How to make a disease disappear.
In the UK, I should have said.
With a view to a future Inquiry or class action by pwME, I thought this link might be useful as a record of lawyers who act in this kind of case:... "The Lancet...
I query the statement in the letter re The Lancet's retraction of the Wakefield et al paper. As I understand it, Wakefield did not state there was...
Separate names with a comma.