Dr Mark Guthridge tweeted this study: Hickie et al, 2006 "Post-infective and chronic fatigue syndromes precipitated by viral and non-viral...
Very interesting - optimistic, but difficult to scale up for the masses. However, I reckon certain individuals may already have got their...
Interesting. How do we know that the other common coronaviruses have been circulating in humans for thousands of years? Is that a fact? If we...
This radio programme is not Covid-19 specific (it was broadcast in 2011), but provides very interesting background information about the evolution...
Thanks for your reply, Trish, and clarification on rule 5 also. I've had a go at setting up a new thread: here. Please feel free to make any...
I'd like to see a new thread created where we can post and track over time cases of Covid-19 that occur in any forum members who would like to...
Not an ignorant question at all. I don't know if chloroquine is structurally similar to quinolone drugs, but I think possibly yes. Chloroquine...
But, in the long run, isn't this new coronavirus going to become endemic anyway? I don't believe it can be contained, so the best we can do is...
We need to start rustling up something between ourselves soon, to get them bats back!
I know... I think Jen's film was great in many ways, the level of public engagement, and presenting the human stories behind the moniker ME....
Snopes reached out by email, and apparently the guy, Dr Robb, did indeed write this note, however it was only intended for close friends and...
That's rather overfamiliar of him. What do you think he meant by that? That he finds it an offensive question?...
I think the blue masks (or 'respirators') additionally have fluid resistance. (You don't need this specification for protection against...
Yes, that's true. This might be a good opportunity for a prospective study, following the longterm outcomes of people infected by Sars-Cov-2....
Oh my god... I've been flushing the toilet wrong my whole life :eek:
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jan/19/inflammation-depression-mind-body Unlikely as it may seem, #inflammation has become a...
I've looked into this recently for a family member, and also interested myself. I think Omron are the best known and most trusted brand for...
For those that don’t know, Myra Preston, whose company is called Siber Imaging, was exploring the value of qEEG in CFIDS (ME/CFS) patients, back...
The Atlantic: A Map That Shows You Everything Wrong With Your Brain. Technology that compares your brain’s electrical activity to everyone...
Cliff et al., 2019, in their paper "Cellular Immune Function in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)", report that:...
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