For the general public, I think patients tell the most compelling stories. But I think that a lot of patients would like to hear from the...
Thanks for all the comments On the blog and the facebook page about it, there are quite a lot of people saying that they already use resting...
Love this! And I agree with the later comment that "pass it on" is key. For that reason, we need a good name for the GWAS project that people...
Mike Snyder is a pioneer and I thought he gave the standout talk at Stanford this year. Stanford symposium: the potential of smartphones to...
Chris’s inaugural talk at Edinburgh as professor of , um, whatever: [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
My blog is now live (thanks, @Andy, for checking). Probably nothing new in it for anyone who has read this far in the thread. Bold plans for two...
This seems important to me. The project has to go through peer review - and on average only 20% of proposals are funded - but the MRC is taking an...
The key paper, by Pendergrast, was discussed on PR in 2016 on this thread. With wise analysis here :)
Thanks, @Snow Leopard, interesting. VO2max is certainly affected by the volume of blood pumped, and also by the quantity of red blood cells...
Lien 2019: some analysis and thoughts The day 2 differences for patients in lactic production, and power at the gas exchange threshold (GET),...
And for many outcomes such as fatigue, mood and pain nobody knows better than the patient the levels of fatigue, pain and mood they experience. I...
It’s also worth considering the MID in relation to the smallest possible improvement for a patient on the actual scale. For the CFQ, this is one...
Because the PACE trial is very large, it’s quite easy for small differences to achieve statistical significance. Which is why they used a...
Certainly the SF36 SD problem has been well documented. I wasn't sure that CFQ SD had been shown to be "non-normal" (I think it's a pretty high...
More brilliant analysis, @Michiel Tack ,thank you Using Cochrane fatigue effect size, PACE trial CBT was ineffective. I think this is very...
You are right that Cochrane has a very poor track record of actually listening to patients and doing anything differently. And I suspect the new...
I think this is an excellent idea, @MSEsperanza , thank you. If the desired outcome is to actually get the editor-in-chief to agree, as opposed...
Re Chalder fatigue scale and the ceiling effect: The Chalder Fatigue Scale scoring deosn't quite work like that. It is a bit weird, see below....
The minimum score on shoulder is effectively 11, making it a 23 point scale. 3.4 point difference strikes me as credible for 0.5 SD, given that...
Thanks very much, @Michiel Tack. Standard mean differences/minimal important differences I don't think there is a real issue with describing...
Separate names with a comma.