Indeed. Might it be useful to send a brief message from the committee, thanking Sonya and reiterating that they're always welcome to post...
Do people think we could potentially collaborate on a specific project, as long as it was understood from the outset that the S4ME name/logo would...
I can well imagine, especially since the best they could probably say about treating ME/CFS is that there isn't any evidence and there aren't any...
I wrote mine on a word processor document first, because it always takes me a while and I'm prone to closing browser windows by accident and...
An ME charity should give due respect to a collective response from S4ME, as should researchers. We've earned that.
I think this is a really good idea. As smallish research teams won't necessarily have the skills and resources to set up a new forum, I wonder...
I'm not sure of the law, to be honest, but I'd be a bit surprised if it weren't an issue to receive something of more than token financial value....
This is fantastic news. Thanks so much to @Trish for all her work on it, and to Sonya for listening so carefully.
I agree, but it also needs to be clear that being paid would mean some people couldn't take part. I'd have to report the additional income to the...
This. And this, only replace "a more moderately affected pwME" with "an autistic pwME". Probably my main fear! I worry particularly about...
Nope! Same way they haven't looked at why it's practically impossible at times to walk through a doorway without crashing into the frame. But I...
I get hoarse if I talk a lot, but I don't think it's much to do with my voice. It's more likely to be the loss of fine motor control and...
Absolutely. Looking at the safety information in BNF, it's not something you'd take because somebody said it might work, possibly. [SPOILER]
Good topic, @Ravn. One way forward might be to replace the initial reference to fatigue and PEM in the introduction with a phrase I nicked from...
It's not exactly unique to autism, either!
You'd think Open Medicine Foundation might fund some of the Phase I/II trials. Is there some reason why they don't?
Maybe, but it's possible the answer would be "That's commercially sensitive information"!
I suspect that, because Workwell carries them out privately for individuals needing evidence for insurance or pension claims, many of the results...
Sounds awfully like Daffy's Elixir, doesn't it. That was advertised for: The Stone in Babies and Children; Convulsion fits; Consumption and...
This project looks great, @Chris Ponting, it's amazing the group is so committed that they're prepared to do this work after all their other work....
Separate names with a comma.