My initial Reminds me of @Snow Leopard annoyance at researchers repeatedly looking in the same place and --- spoiler alert --- finding nothing...
Yea so poorer/less informed people can settle for poorer treatment ---- "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."...
"In the meantime, the drug company scientists could see barn door that the data had to be significant because they used objective measures back up...
Yea - here's the first reply - [MEDIA]
I recall Jonathan posting that disease tends to stand out like a barn door - so yes - suggests that you need to change the strategy i.e. rather...
Option 1 - focused metabolomics i.e. post DecodeME - basically hypothesis free metabolomics will have reduced sensitivity (lower detection limits)...
If you look at NIH metabolomics talk (Dr Li - Jackson Laboratories) metabolite coverage is low in ME/CFS - most of the data is from Metabolon's...
Only read some of it - my reaction was to think --- why don't they [Long COVID] run a large GWAS [DecodeME size]? I think Jonathan posted...
Among other things - it took really big studies in Alzheimer's/dementia - like multiples of DecodeME.
My reply was wrong rather than "poorly worded" I think genetic studies get around "comorbid conditions" by selecting participants. Nath's [NIH]...
Sleep is actually quite interesting e.g. I think genes associated with sleep turned up in a Long COVID genetics study - check out the...
Ah, think I should have highlighted that genetics doesn't do "comorbid conditions" i.e. things you accidentally/incidentally have --- it just says...
Basically the challenge AKA environmental(?) factor is your response to ongoing infection (gingivitis) but the pathogen isn't the discussion -...
One of the things to keep in mind is that genetic study (GWAS) in Alzheimer's originally turned up a gene* which was difficult to interpret - it...
@forestglip further thought - check out Gulf War Syndrome* - "weak form of the PON1 gene were nine times more likely to develop GWI. Normally the...
I caught part of this presentation*, by PrecisionLife (they'll analyze the data from DecodeME) if I follow correctly, they identified...
Check out this presentation: "Sayoni Das, PhD, SVP of Bioinformatics at PrecisionLife, Oxford, UK" - UniteToFight2024* From memory they identified...
useful slide - is David Tuller on this site? [ATTACH]
I watched some of the PrecisionLife presentation - some genes common i.e. ME/CFS & long COVID. I'm guessing the presentation was substantially the...
@forestglip I bring good news! I recall that glyphosate (very commonly used weed killer) turned up a few years ago. From memory a small...
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