I agree with Jonathan i.e. Oxidative Stress has been claimed to be the cause of all manner of things. If it were true then I'm guessing that...
Seems like this research is the the sort of thing which might identify underlying chromic activation of the immune system - [Max Planck Institute...
I'm wondering if there are/ay be clues from GWAS [DecodeME] e.g. are there well known diseases [with/without T-cell involvement] where GWAS tells...
Possibly tangential (I often am!) but I think I recall a feature on BBC Radio 4 where scientists recounted setting a puzzle for a chimpanzee and a...
Thank you. Interesting - so maybe check the previous Guideline.
Thanks for your reply. Interesting @Jonathan Edwards plausibly suggested that PACE may have had its origins in the preparation of the previous...
Garner states - "2. The CEO of Action for ME and other senior staff helped plan the PACE trial. That’s why the adaptive pacing arm was added, and...
Thank you. Obviously I'm way out of my depth here [& I haven't looked at the link yet] but given the evidence, it would appear strange if there...
Random thought - if scleroderma is accurately diagnosed (i.e. not a mixed bag of diseases) then would GWAS [or rare variant genetic studies]...
Nailed it!
I haven't listened to this but the title gave me a laugh - " Sense about Science: Join our talks on science, scepticism and free speech (Garner et al)
Heading seems a tad optimistic - "researchers-see-hope-in-symptom-guided-exercise" --- surely they'd need a trial ?(and not the usual crap!)!
Only scanned a few posts. Firstly, as per comments above, there's no evidence this works i.e. "The Agreed Care/Activity Plan" --- whatever the...
Wow, thanks - noticed folks online suggesting that others try "cyclo" [cyclophosphamide?], rituximab---.
Precisely - which is why it's objectionable/incomprehensible that ME Association went down this route - if e.g. Charles highlighted concerns and...
EDIT --- Oops --- thread about blood lactate --- didn't pick that up! So comment below is off-topic! Higher lactate in the brain is based on MRI...
OK there is a degree of complexity re selecting outcomes for trials which is really something only folks like you understand. However, as you have...
Thanks. I actually thought there were some interesting talks in the metabolism webinar e.g. Sheng Li [Jackson Laboratory] and the genetics...
[EDITED] Posted these i.e. on Twitter/X - I'm wondering who would actually set the agenda i.e. what EUROMENE II would actually do! Also, how would...
Yea "in 1984" systems were in place to train lots of nurses --- now they system trawls the world + it's a competitive international market + the...
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