I agree that research criteria may be different and that researchers need to select research criteria to meet the needs of their studies. The...
Typical of CDC's MCAM studies
I wondered about that also. But at least according to ChatGPT, this can happen for various reasons including when there's a small sample size or...
Yes, NICE appears to define PEM in terms of worsened symptoms only. But the US Institute of Medicine, CDC, and NIH define PEM as a worsening of...
Non-specific cohort of fatiguing conditions so I'm skeptical on what they will really be able to learn about "how to differentiate the mechanisms...
NIH's MapMECFS newsletter stated that the clinical data and biospecimens from CDC's Multi-Site Clinical Assessment of Myalgic...
At least by the November 2023 update - link. I don't remember seeing anything earlier "As completing the review will take time, the joint...
This is fantastic, @Simone. Thank you for all your work in getting to this point.
Why bundle other kinds of "chronic fatigue" into the guidance for ME? Why not into MS or some other condition? Rhetorical... I worry that bundling...
Posted on twitter by Jeanette Burmeister [MEDIA] Part 1 of my new 4-part article about NIH’s Effort Preference claim for ME. Read about how NIH...
I haven't read the report but generally thought the panel members presenting got it. For instance, one acknowledged that doctors might react...
Part of this is because their Long COVID definition is broad - "signs, symptoms, and conditions are present 4 weeks or more after the initial...
Inoffensive. But it doesn't mention funding and whether NIH plans on providing funding to advance research. What's needed is NIH funding...
This deck describing the Recover-Energize (exercise/pacing) protocol was posted in X on April 29. No indication of the source
I wondered the same. How would this fit in with Systrom's finding of impaired systemic oxygen extraction. only thing i can imagine is that the O2...
So in a very general sense, I can see the point that ME is a "subset" of the condition of "chronic fatigue." And presumably, there are many...
I picked up on that also. I think he might have been suggesting the lowered effort preference and resultant reduced activity had become...
In the US in 2015, the CDC was still saying that PACE-style GET could help some patients. CDC dropped that in 2017 as a result of advocacy on all...
Question from the audience - How do findings fit in with what we know about PEM Paraphrasing the responses" Brian Walitt – PEM fits in it two...
Separate names with a comma.