I don't think that's a fair comparison. At some point, NFTs were worth a lot of money, they had a lot of value. Completely speculative...
I don't think I've seen research that relied on very fit pwLC, when they are clearly not deconditioned yet in the medical sense, and how their...
This is an odd conclusion that really misses the point. Without social media, Long Covid would be completely ignored. And yet they conclude to be...
Dude just has his effort preference compass all screwed up. It points to wherever his interest lies. Double entendre intended. But it is nice...
I don't know why it took 32 years to publish this, or why it's paywalled, but whatever it's done. And it looks rather good. I've been waiting a...
Lies, damn lies, and complete bullshit. This is the study they use to base the validity of those 'signs' being rule-in evidence.
And then of course the usual standard is that it must be demonstrated that it does not cause harm. It can't be assumed that it doesn't, it has to...
So it's an element of gamification with an element of gambling, levering either or both effects. Neither of which has scientifically accurate...
I really don't like that comparison and don't think it's valid. The experience of being stuck at home for a but during the pandemic and being...
And even when the rewards are higher, they are so laughably small that they are completely tokenistic for all intents and purposes. My thinking...
Damn I need to find that image again. How did it go? "Intervention X for condition Y with variant Z for sub-group A-W" and they just run through...
So starting from the premise that there are no evidence-based interventions for this, they... more or less copy-paste the current model of generic...
Pretty telling that the two bottom items are literally the bulk of the biopsychosocial approach. You know, the one that is 'holistic' and...
There's at least that other, far more likely and rational explanation, that happens to be the opposite of what is alluded in the paper's text:...
Zero attempt at validity or at making sense or reason of the facts. And nothing's changed. The words and labels have shifted a bit, but as...
It's like an aggressive mix of the sunk cost fallacy and the foot-in-the-door strategy. They fight to get their foot in the door, then once the...
Well thanks for those who made a deeper analysis in the BS effort task. It's really holding up so far that this study is worse in context, and the...
So what does this add up to? Deconditioning they cannot find evidence of. Functional deconditioning? But it's also physical and sets over time?...
X has not been comprehensively studied. Here's a systematic review and meta analysis of this poorly studied issue. Most of which consist of biased...
I routinely see this in the wild in the LC community. Seems very invasive and not especially convincing. About on par with HBOT and acupuncture,...
Separate names with a comma.