I was going to add, that's why 'blinding' and 'placebo control' go together 'like chicken and... another chicken' (for all you Buffy fans out there).
As ever, he is rewriting the evidence to suit, so that folks can say, "Oh, this textbook says it's all OK if I do it like this." Just no!...
One of the major problems with PACE was the complexity of what it was trying to do. It was simultaneously trying to test 3 different therapies and...
He is presuming that each group in some way "controls" for the other groups. They even tried to build that into the analysis (in the protocol)....
In the Pawlikowska study, it says: "Thirty eight people described themselves as having the chronic fatigue syndrome. More detailed follow up of...
OK - I've found the study he was referring to: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2539651/ Looks like he was conflating ME with CFS...
I'm going to need to read these side by side (the pdf from my previous post:...
Yes, that's what I was referring to, but I gather it was obtained by fairly dubious means, so was glad to find a more "legitimate" version.
I've found a more recent SW ref, this time invoking zebras... https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1741-7015-7-58 In some...
Just found this... [ATTACH]
Thanks to SW's fastidious cataloguing of his publications on his website, I've finally tracked down the origin of the quote "ME is simply a belief...
I think the implication is that, by that stage, it will be obvious. Like, really obvious. *spurt spurt*
It was from the Conclusion: [ATTACH]
I've posted the essence of my letter to The Guardian's Science Weekly team on my blog:...
@Inara - I have the book too... Here's the extract... [ATTACH]
Nice find! Reading on... [ATTACH]
Link: "https: //www. amazon. co. uk/ Post-viral-Fatigue-Syndrome-Myalgic-Encephalomyelitis/dp/0471938793" [Sorry - having trouble stopping this...
@JaimeS - Have you seen this thread? : https://www.s4me.info/threads/abnormal-illness-behaviour-and-the-missing-citations.6174/
This from Manu's chapter in Ciba Foundation Symposium 173 (1992): I'll add more to this post as I find them... ETA: In David Mechanic's...
I suspect the problem they encountered early on was that any systematic differences in records between the trial arms could never be recorded in...
Separate names with a comma.