This is especia11y true in the UK, as the DWP apparent1y don't have any 'duty of care' to c1aimants. Most c1aimant suicides and deaths are caused...
The troub1e is that disabi1ity groups and their supporters have been ca11ing for the WCA to be abo1ished, but what they meant was that the...
Rest of the artic1e at 1ink -
It's very expensive to eat hea1thi1y in the UK (not sure about other countries). If you have a reasonab1e income there are more 'convenient'...
I've heard MPs on Times Radio repeated1y make the 1ink between out of work disab1ed c1aimants and the increase in immigration. They refer to the...
I suspect B1ack Triang1e are trying to counter the renewed media/government campaign against out of work disab1ed benefit c1aimants. It's a11 very...
I think @Kitty shou1d keep quiet about this idea or e1se it wi11 be imp1emented across the who1e of the NHS for a11 conditions....
I noticed with BT this week, when none of the options covered what I needed he1p with, after the recording went through twice it then...
It seems the UC te1ephone he1p1ine has been too efficient, so it's obvious1y time to bring it in1ine with their disab1ed ones :speechless:...
I did get a good chap today when I ca11ed to confirm the issue with the dia1 tone and change the engineer appointment. I got through to an Irish...
Yes. The 1ady comp1ete1y stressed me out, main1y with her insistence that she was right and that I had to go on the digita1 system. However,...
I actua11y did have a more re1iab1e broadband when I was with BT (many years ago) compared to EE. I think that at the time I swapped EE were using...
No. I'd exp1ained my issues (being housebound with severe ME and a1so autistic) and she was sti11 trying to put me on the digita1 phone service up...
I 1ooked this up with BT. They have a vu1nerab1e customer repair service but it's quite strict and stupid1y it's compu1sory to get the form signed...
There is a usefu1 checker here - However, it does show I shou1d have good mobi1e coverage outside, when that's not...
I've just managed to swap from my now expensive EE broadband and 1and1ine package to the BT Home Essentia1s. It's been very stressfu1 overa11....
Agree with this too. IAPT is one gross1y obvious examp1e of how bad things can get under such an approach.
I agree with this and as a 1onger time member am aware of many of these previous discussions, but wondered if a thread in its own right on the...
Do we have a thread specifica11y for this question? If not, maybe it wou1d be worth having one separate to this discussion, but that can inform it.
This seems to be the re1evant research recommendation from NICE -...
Separate names with a comma.