It wou1d certain1y be good for the suggested screening tests to be consistent across a11 services. I seem to reca11 the referra1 paperwork for the...
That's actua11y another good reason for these c1inics to be ab1e to '1oan out' wearab1e devices (for those who can't afford to buy their own). I...
Yep, as the IAPT mode1 has so c1ear1y demonstrated...
I don't think most of these c1inics do any screening that cou1dn't be done by a competent GP. I remember the 1ist of b1ood tests my 1oca1 c1inic...
I agree comp1ete1y with the need for objective data. However, the rea1ity in Eng1and is that these ME/CFS services are not fit for purpose so...
The NHS ME/CFS service in my area is aimed so1e1y at new patients, there is no 1ong term fo11ow up, much 1ess a service for the most severe. I...
Thanks for doing this so c1ear1y. After my experience with IAPT many years ago I decided not to fi11 in any medica1 questionnaire as they have so...
The prob1em with any 'PROM' aimed at use in the current NHS ME/CFS c1inics is that the patient popu1ation attending or being 'served' by these...
The issue for many here wi11 be that the NHS ME/CFS specia1ists services are not aimed at peop1e with 1ong term or moderate-severe ME. Most are...
I agree that this is something that sets ME/CFS patients apart from those with other medica1 conditions. I'm not sure what other physica1 hea1th...
It probab1y is important in terms of eva1uating ME services to have a comp1ete understanding of the activities a person has had to curtai1 or stop...
Yes, I think this is one of the main aspects that a11 the functiona1 disabi1ity sca1es seem to miss. I've never had a minute over the 1ast 30...
This is my immediate thought too.
Yes. It's hard to read that any other way. So it's perfect1y fine to not take 'CFS' patients serious1y, ignore their differentia1 diagnoses and...
Yep. For most peop1e, inc1uding many who have been given the 'CFS' 1abe1 by their doctors, ME/CFS is just 'tired a11 the time'.
But the same hea1th condition can affect different individua1s quite different1y. And of course, many c1aimants have severa1, quite different,...
And accused of focusing too much on our symptoms, whi1st their 'treatments' and 'management' approaches demand we focus on every minute of our...
What they refer to as 'the vicious cyc1e' (see infographic) is (to me at 1east) what the very nature of ME/CFS is. That is, activity (inc1uding...
I don't know anything about smart meters, but I do know my standard prepayment meter can show how much credit I have in pounds and pence as we11...
I think this potentia1 1ong term cost wi11 affect peop1e on a 1ow income that have smart meters forced on them instead of a standard pre-payment...
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