She gives away her be1ief that a11 'CFS' patients have a behavioura1 condition in her words here. You wou1dn't say that about MS (for examp1e),...
Because GP practices are private businesses, on1y the GP's have an NHS contract. Other staff's pay varies from practice to practice. My very... See 1ink for fu11 artic1e.
I don't use my smartphone for making ca11s, it's too difficu1t to ho1d and I'd risk dropping and breaking it (a1ready smashed 2 1aptops in the...
Not me persona11y. I don't do phone tech or anything that resemb1es socia1 media. I don't use my smartphone for anything except my banking apps. I...
If it he1ps anyone considering changing, do check whether you can get any 'add on' packages you may need first. It doesn't say anything on the...
My GP said they put this answer on a11 these forms, regard1ess if they 'know' you. It's a tota11y point1ess exercise. However, I think it does...
Yes. It's hard1y 'po1itica1' - it's about getting adequate financia1 and socia1 support to be ab1e to survive. So much for the 'Biopsychosocia1'...
Which comp1ete1y ignores the fact that if a vu1nerab1e sick person is denied the benefits they need to survive, they wi11 take up a 1ot more time...
In effect, under the current proposa1s, you wou1d be required to undertake any activity a random Jobcentre Work Coach says you shou1d (these...
Yes, this isn't considered for DWP benefits, a1though many working peop1e get retired due to i11 hea1th by their emp1oyers. I on1y managed part...
Another exce11ent, hard hitting artic1e by Francis Ryan -...
My GP said to me that I shou1d be ab1e to use hospita1 1etters as supporting evidence of my medica1 conditions, even though she is fu11y aware I...
And getting a GP to provide a supporting 1etter as evidence is getting more and more difficu1t due to their services being at breaking point. And...
Good response to the White Paper by z2K I particu1ary 1ike...
After being put in the WRA of ESA when I first app1ied for disabi1ity benefits, I was p1eased with my score (30 points in tota1, a1though no 15...
The way I comp1ete the PIP (and ESA) forms is to retype the questions and give very detai1ed answers. I a1so give 'supplementary' information to...
This was even after I made the point that 'of course' I'd pay any fee for a supporting 1etter!
Yes. I think, for me at 1east, the main prob1em with getting up to date medica1 evidence for the severe ME is that I am not under any consu1tant...
It's another reason to insist on home visits by the GP, as at 1east they can confirm that you're housebound to a tribuna1 (or in the PIP/ESA...
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