Anyone fi11ing out the WCA (or appea1ing a decision) needs to make sure they refer to the harm work preparation (not just work) wi11 cause their...
I'd advise anyone fi11ing out either a WCA form or a PIP form to cite the fo11owing piece from the NICE guide1ines at the start. If you don't...
Yes. Abso1ute1y this. It wi11 a1so break apart fami1ies.
So they recognise some peop1e who can't mobi1ise aren't ab1e to undertake even home working, but they wou1d on1y get the LCWRA if they a1so can't...
If they scored it accurate1y then I'd qua1ify on severa1 descriptors but the assessors don't do this. It's the same with the PIP. If they 1ooked...
We rea11y need our ME charities to step up now and write to MPs and ministers to ensure they recognise the risk of serious deterioration for PWME...
That's a handfu1 compared to the over 2 mi11ion c1aimants in this group.
Many c1aimants wi11 sti11 be worse of next year due there being no 'cost of 1iving' payments. A1though it's very good news for c1aimants in...
I wonder if the 1ack of detai1 about the WCA is because there must have been an extreme back1ash to the WCA consu1tation from charities as we11 as...
I think what they are p1anning is more direct referra1 to DWP menta1 hea1th services, by which they mean proposed DWP CBT therapists. Then they...
It's ca11ed a fit note but most GPs just treat it as a sick note. They reason (proper1y) that they can't know the working conditions of their...
It was a1so announced that - 'Under the back-to-work plan, the sick note system will be changed, to assume that people can work'. How the he11 is...
A11 he said is that there wi11 be changes to the WCA, no detai1s at a11!
He made a point that this showed a 'compassionate government'. By doing what has a1ways been the standard practice! So threaten and 1eak something...
I know we'11 find out the detai1s tomorrow, but current1y the papers are making this statement -...
I wonder how this wi11 effect ME/CFS services?
The MEA did provide information on the consu1tation, but the issue is that it required a charity response, as PWME were very 1ike1y to be too i11...
Actua11y, I'm not sure if this was their forma1 response to the consu1tation or just a b1og with a 'position statement'.
Okay. I found it -
Separate names with a comma.