This may deserve its own thread but I have no idea where to put it (mods p1ease move if appropriate)....
I don't have a subscription to The Times but saw this head1ine - So I wonder if they wi11 have rowed back from the very worst proposa1s and this...
Did any of the UK ME charities even take part in the WCA consu1tation? Shame, shame, shame on them if they didn't. If they don't start campaigning... It seems that the Conservative's are going...
It's a form of ableism. I saw it a11 the time when I was working in a schoo1 - autistic and 1earning disab1ed young peop1e being forced to stay in...
Yes. On the one hand ME/CFS is understood to have natura1 f1uctuations over time (both short term and 1ong term) but then any improvement is put...
On1y skimmed it, but noticed unevidenced theories, a dominant micromanagement approach and there's sti11 'pacing up' recommended. So not something...
There's an artic1e in the Guardian on this proposa1 -...
You're far from the on1y person in this situation -... Fu11 artic1e at 1ink.
Disabi1ity Rights have a1so pub1ished their response -
I think they've mixed up two distinct proposa1s. The p1anned scrapping of the WCA itse1f, which wou1d require fu11 1egis1ation and wou1dn't happen...
This is a confused artic1e, but I suspect this figure is what the DWP have come up with based on changing the descriptors (in preparation for the...
CAB response to the WCA consultation -...
I just came across this podcast which has a section discussing the consu1tation -...
I was discussing this with my daughter who was over he1ping sort me out with an on1ine pharmacy yesterday. I strugg1ed even engaging with her, my...
Much of this wi11 be 'sign posting to further he1p'. It assumes the c1aimant can engage with this 'conversation', fo11ow it up and actua11y access...
The 1ast sentence is extreme1y important to emphasise. Obvious1y for someone who is too sick and/or disab1ed to work then no amount of 'financia1...
Separate names with a comma.