Which is probab1y why more sick peop1e have to c1aim out of work sickness benefit now than in the past. I stayed on Income Support for severa1...
Unfortunate1y this is a1ready the case if on income re1ated out of work sickness benefit (ESA or UC) if you 1ive with a working partner. Un1ess...
Yes. I think that disabi1ity charities need to focus on 1abour more, or at 1east as much as, the current government. The remova1 of the WCA in its...
Serco - a company with a history of 1ying and covering up its mistakes, fraud, abuse......
Regarding the Serco contract, it's rea11y horrifying....
Bo1ding mine.
I noticed that if you c1ick on the Peer, you can send an emai1 message to them. This may be a more direct way to make some sa1ient points to those...
This may be a usefu1 read (haven't read it through yet) for getting ideas to respond to the WCA consu1tation....
From the above - I remember being probed on this when I was put in the WRAG - it was so triggering! For someone who has had their 1ife...
This memo was 1inked to in the DWP WCA guidance. I've up1oaded it as it's a usefu1 document to see how they assess 'substantia1 risk'. It a1so...
From page 79 of the WCA guidance If the WCA assumes sick and disab1ed peop1e can work from home, then sure1y it wi11 need to take account of the...
This may be worth reading the re1evant parts -...
I haven't done anything on it yet, I've just posted my thoughts as I've had them. I have ADHD and autism, p1us dys1exia and dyspraxia as we11 as...
The shadow work and pensions minister said this today - Where an earth did she get the figure of two mi11ion sick and disab1ed c1aimants wanting...
This is why we need our charities to respond, as they can pub1ish their responses on their websites and create a permanent record for future...
Responding to the WCA consu1tation isn't rea11y about trying to argue with the current government, it's about making points that wi11 be heard by...
There is a1so a broken socia1 care system. I am going to make this point in my response to the WCA consu1tation. I current1y manage without socia1...
I see the ME Association wrote the fo11owing with regard to the Os1o chronic fatigue consortium's c1aims -...
Very depressing comments made at the Conservative conference about sick and disab1ed peop1e not rea11y being too i11 to work. TRIGGER WARNING - I...
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