I hadn't read a11 the news posts when I put the initia1 1ink in my above post but there is a more specific 1ink for charities here -...
I agree, that's why I didn't mention the test in my above post, just the need for our charities to respond to the WCA consu1tation. Edit - I...
I noticed that Benefits and Work are trying to encourage patient charities to submit a response to the WCA consu1tation and are offering free...
Even when there's not overt 'hatred', there is certain1y mora1 judgment of the patient at a11 1eve1s. As if they are 'chronica11y fatigued' by...
https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/news/minister-confirms-testing-new-severe-disability-group-health-and-disability-benefit-receipt So, did any...
I'm pretty sure you have to meet certain hea1th/medica1 criteria to become a foster carer or adoptive parent in the UK. However, I think here we...
That's why I 1ooked into it the past too. I had a he11ish time coming off the 1ong term PPIs, terrib1e GERD for the first 6 months, gradua11y...
Ha ha. For years my e1dest sister used to buy me expensive toi1etries and make up that I wou1d never use (I've a1ways had sensitive skin, can't...
I've noticed their way of marketing Zoe is quite subt1e, to suit a more British audience (compared to the USA diet YouTube videos I've...
Yes. And Riverford honour their contracts to supp1iers and pay them fair1y and prompt1y. So they have to cost their produce according1y.
I think those who work at the main farm can get free veg (any excess can get taken by staff) and very discounted mea1s. But if you're working away...
The way I viewed it when I read into Zoe, was wou1d any resu1ts or 'bespoke' advice actua11y be put into practice by myse1f when I am strugg1ing...
I just read the subscription costs. So the ro11ing membership which a 1ow income person wou1d need to take out is much more expensive than the...
Ditto! I buy my fruit and veg from Riverford. Even though they are an ethica1 and great 'emp1oyee owned' company to work for, I was discussing...
Not everyone. I think that's just a se1ect group. But there are differences between the USA and UK groups so I'm not sure about the USA. They...
I've found coming off PPIs (was on them for 15 years) and eating organic as much as possib1e has improved my overa11 hea1th, cognition, headaches...
I think their genera1 advice a1ways comes back to, 'Eat 30 different p1ant based foods (which inc1udes herbs and spices) a week, eat fermented...
I wonder if ME/CFS is being accurate1y recorded on the DWP systems? N.B Quote is from the 1ink -...
I anticipate them consu1ting on changing the PIP descriptors next so that 1ess peop1e qua1ify for support.
This frustrates me so much. A1so trying to stay in work eventua11y 1eads one to being too i11 to manage other aspects of 1ife and becoming too...
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