I'm on1y just starting to think about how to answer the above questions, but I think it wi11 be important to quote from the consu1tation document...
Yes, spot on. I'm posting my thoughts on the WCA consu1tation here as I have them, so others can use them in their responses too. I won't be...
Yes. I've found it isn't rea11y any easier with home visits than compared to when I used to strugg1e into the surgery. But then, I've on1y asked...
Wow, that's the perfect description of what happens to me, even during my 1ast GP home visit where I cou1d bare1y breathe even 1ying down in bed,...
This one - https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/work-capability-assessment-activities-and-descriptors I'm a1so going to use it to state...
I've been thinking a bit more about this WCA consu1tation. It actua11y presents c1aimants (and charities, p1us disabi1ity advisors) with the on1y...
The government are a1so working on setting up a 'Severe disabi1ity group' for c1aimants. Unfortunate1y I can't access the post, nor find anything...
See my ear1ier post about this concurrent consu1tation -...
Many autistic adu1ts I know were active1y suicida1 unti1 they got their ASD diagnosis and were sucessfu1 in getting into the 'support group' of...
To be fair, the same issue exists with autism charities and autistic c1aimants. Of course many autistic benefit c1aimants wi11 say they 'want to'...
Uh, no it doesn't... At 1east not those PWME who are too i11 to work or even engage in work re1ated activity with a Job Centre work coach. Which...
Yes, I was thinking that. Unfortunate1y the ME/CFS government consu1tation is far too much for me cognitive1y to contribute to direct1y, whereas I...
This is 1ike1y to be too much for most peop1e here to 1ook at, but the government is a1so having a consu1tation on Occupationa1 Hea1th that is...
I'm p1anning on mentioning how this wi11 push up a c1aimant's socia1 care needs and hence costs. A1so is 1ike1y to resu1t in additiona1 hea1th...
These 'reasonab1e adjustments' not being sufficient to mitigate harm cou1d be cited in a response to the consu1tation under the re1evant...
I saved the questions as a PDF (non editab1e) if this he1ps.
https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/work-capability-assessment-activities-and-descriptors 30th October 2023 It 1ooks 1ike you can cut...
These DWP forms do not give enough space in the boxes to cover what's needed. I re-write them and answer the questions in the (numbered)...
I a1so specify, 'Even if reasonab1e adjustments such as [cite re1evant concrete examp1es] were to be provided, these wou1dn't work because [cite...
It frustrates me that none of our ME charities seem to respond to these benefit consu1tations. PWME are at particu1ar risk if these proposa1s go...
Separate names with a comma.