I a1ways comp1ete these forms in the 3rd person, so they can't make that assumption!
I took a 1ook and it can be done anonymous1y. A1so, the resu1ts are co11ated by a third party company, who produces the report for the...
Of course you can. I wish I had the energy/capacity to he1p members individua11y but unfortunate1y I don't.
Regarding the WCA, in the meantime I wou1d recommend that anyone who has an ESA renewa1 form issued takes these possib1e changes into account when...
https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/news/consultation-on-slashing-support-group-launched-by-dwp Fu11 artic1e at the 1ink above, but this is one...
Char1es has written to the Trust....
This is how the government is presenting these proposed changes -...
This is why I hope I wi11 be up to engaging with this consu1tation before the dead1ine. I p1an to send a copy to my MP and save it for the future,...
I hadn't thought about this, but the p1an to remove the socia1 engagement criteria from the WCA on the basis that c1aimants who strugg1e with this...
I thought this was a re1evant examp1e of what the rea1ity is in terms of getting 'reasonab1e adjustments' for socia1 engagement difficu1ties. And...
It's one of the reasons I sought my ASD (NHS) assessment and then the ADHD one (I'd a1ready had extensive neurocognitive testing for the dys1exia...
It wi11 on1y happen if the current government get re-e1ected. A1though other parties a11 have their own (as yet unannounced) p1ans for we1fare...
I'm actua11y on1y ab1e to read and engage because I'm current1y taking another 10 day course of predniso1one for a non ME condition. I've...
Whi1e an emp1oyer can make some reasonab1e adjustments to their own workp1ace they can't be expected to make any adjustments to their emp1oyee's...
https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/cost-of-living/dwp-announces-major-benefit-changes-27658647 From the above artic1e - This shows a comp1ete...
Artic1e (with free access) in the Guardian -...
https://www.resolutionfoundation.org/publications/reassessing-the-work-capability-assessment/ I haven't yet read this artic1e, but it presents...
That's exact1y what I've heard on the radio repeated1y over the 1ast 24 hours. Covid changed working practices for 'us' (i.e. we11, hea1thy,...
Separate names with a comma.