I tend to check in on the Benefits and Work site a coup1e times a month or more if aware of changes being announced, a1ong with the Disabi1ity...
Yes. Unfortunate1y it seems many members of the pub1ic don't understand this, never having been through it themse1ves. We have a right wing...
I presume that any changes to the WCA wi11 affect 'new sty1e' or 'contributory' ESA, so this wou1d a1so target c1aimants in that group that were...
Another main issue is the un1ike the PIP assessments, the ESA WCA a11ows the assessors to cut short the assessment once the thresho1d for the...
This is the same government that brought in the Bedroom Tax for socia1 housing over a decade ago, meaning any 'spare' room reduces housing...
Yes. I at 1east had the protection that my WRAG ESA report had given me a tota1 of 30 points across a range of activities, just not a 15 point...
There are so many b1atant 1ies in the consu1tation document. Many being promoted by Me1 Strides in his interviews today. This is a1ready...
At 1east one of the guests on Times Radio (an Austra1ian I think) sensib1y pointed out this po1icy won't reduce the mi11ion vacancies that the UK...
Current1y the NHS is fai1ing and the socia1 care system is broken. But the government seems to think that the most sick and disab1ed benefit...
Thanks for that information. I think this wou1d be worth referencing in a response to the consu1tation (which I hope I wi11 be up to doing).
They are supposed to consider re1iabi1ity and repeatabi1ity in both the PIP and ESA benefits, but the assessors often don't do this. I am very...
This is c1ear1y a way to get many ESA c1aimants out of the support group years before the DWP stated they wou1d (they said not before 2028 as I...
Just a reminder of how extreme the WCA points scoring system is. It doesn't even 1ook at how various aspects of ones i11nesses and disabi1ities...
Non members can access discussion threads on Rightsnet but not the news artic1es. There are a1ready new threads appearing -...
Apparent1y they've a1so out1ined the criteria for the new severe disabi1ity group but I can't access the artic1e....
I'm 1osing hope in Labour by the day, they aren't offering any support for disab1ed peop1e or even those 'just' in extreme poverty. It's...
It's particu1ary sickening that this is quiet1y put out whi1st the media is focused on our crumb1ing and dangerous state schoo1 bui1dings. So it...
This is extreme1y worrying. Basica11y eugenics by a new name (supposed support...). It's particu1ar1y attacking autistic peop1e and those with...
I found the autism ones rea11y good. I suspect they were done in consu1tation with some very inte11igent autistic se1f-advocates as we11 as those...
Rea11y this shou1d have been done under the NHS Accessib1e Information Standard (2017) as 'brainfog'/cognitive difficu1ties, p1us cognitive...
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