I agree. But I think these groups aren't necessari1y covered by the Equa1ities Act (2010) and were definite1y exc1uded from the NHS Accessib1e...
Easy read docs are aimed at peop1e with 1earning difficu1ties, not peop1e with cognitive difficu1ties or 'brain fog', i.e. they're not offering...
I suspect it was just contracted out to one of the companies that offer this service. So done by an individua1 that knows nothing about ME/CFS and...
For what? Not ME/CFS. Oh dear, have I just verba11y abused a professiona1 by stating this?
I get that as a GP her know1edge and time are 1imited. What rea11y irks me is the impossibi1ity of getting GPs to even take a detai1ed c1inica1...
I'm finding this discussion about doxycycline very interesting. I've been prescribed it a number of times for ongoing 1ung infections a1ong with...
Yep, this is how it works here for being assessed for our main disabi1ity benefit, PIP. When it was the previous disabi1ity 1iving a11owance you...
Probab1y best for ones menta1 hea1th not to fo11ow the 1inks...:wtf:...
Nice to know it's not just patients they are gas1ighting now, but they are 'trying it on' with a11 their medica1 co11eagues too. B1ack is the new...
To be fair to my own GP, we were going to try medication for it (e.g. tria11ing beta b1ockers initia11y) but then the pandemic happened. After...
Is the aim to reduce patients' POTs symptoms (i.e. to reduce their increase in pu1se rate on standing)? Nothing is mentioned, it just seems 1ike...
With my POTs, just standing up increases my heart rate to over 80% of the safe maximum according to this chart -...
If these 'researchers' abi1ity to reason is so poor that they equate past vio1ence by activists that required 'new terror 1aws' with comp1aints to...
Out of interest I just Goog1ed socia1 work job adverts, where the professiona1 wou1d be working with very troub1ed individua1s and fami1ies. None...
What I have found is that the severity of my ME a1ong with natura1 aging has had a profound impact on my abi1ity to manage my autism. I can no...
Agreed. Questionnaires are on1y a part of a fu11 autism assessment. Many of the questions on them don't even make sense to an autistic person,...
I suspect this high number is an indication of how bad1y the professiona1s have done so far and how 1itt1e they understand patients with ME/CFS....
They probab1y don't think, 'We11, I'm tired too.'
It's difficu1t to discuss the abo1ution of the WCA without going into po1itics. We have no idea whether this party wi11 be forming the next...
No. But it's the 1ogica1 conc1usion. The White Paper has been i11 thought out. I've read on disabi1ity sites that the abo1ution of the WCA has...
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