Yes, she had. The draft report had been circulated to NHMRC’s executive team (including the CEO) and the department of health.
@rvallee The report has already led to positive outcomes. Two of the committee’s recommendations have been implemented: a health economics study...
I don’t know anything much about this, but the fact sheet on the HealthShare website is Emerge Australia’s existing one, which is a few years old...
The final report from the NHMRC ME/CFS Advisory Committee has been released. There were more than 250 submissions received on the draft report...
Well done, @JohnTheJack. It’s unbelievable (and yet, totally believable) how hard you’ve had to fight for this.
Merged post A news article I stumbled upon about a Norwegian study run by a pro-psychosocial model researcher, but which also includes...
Susanna Agardy’s response to Sharpe and Greco’s article has been published.
Thanks for the update on this very important review, Mary.
This is terrific, @Andy! It’s so great to see all the current projects listed, and to see that how much of the heavy lifting the charities are doing.
“When a collection of experienced and dispassionate colleagues are all making, in effect, the same criticisms, it is hard to ignore this. You are...
Coauthored by Ricky Buchanan (Australian pwME/CFS) and Natasha Layton (President, Australian Rehabilitation & Assistive Technology Association),...
I hope whoever runs this project (presumably Chris Ponting?) learns the lessons from the MEGA project: don’t let psychosocial researchers anywhere...
Thanks for that, @Andy! That was great! I didn’t understand the distinction between CureME and the UK ME/CFS Biobank, I thought they were the...
That’s brilliant. Thanks, @wigglethemouse!
Thanks, @wigglethemouse. I’m not familiar with that Gulf War research. Do you happen to know any of the researchers, so I can look it up?
Hmm, that’s useful feedback. This query has come from a researcher outside ME/CFS (looking at a different condition), wondering if there are...
That was my thought too, that it seems so complicated to determine that they have something akin to ME/CFS.
I’m wondering if anyone is aware of any appropriate mouse models of ME/CFS? I’m familiar with the Japanese model of putting the mice/rats in a...
Separate names with a comma.