He's just shown his hand, hasn't he - he's playing the 10 year card. But really, what's he hiding? Have they really just deleted all record of...
In other words; quieten down you pesky ill people, we have far more important things to be doing that focusing on governance and being a well run...
How he feels that is appropriate is beyond me. Dread to think how he refers to those who are causing him a bit of a headache right now. The more...
Thanks Peter, appreciate your efforts to get the info.
At this stage, it truly feels like all sane and rational reasoning has left the building.
I bet there is a member somewhere who has a pile of MEA magazines (unopened, of course) from the year dot festering in the corner of their living...
The only possibilities I can conclude; Riley is trying to be clever (and failing), they have something they really don't want to make public, or,...
The subject of this post piqued my interest, to see how awful a piece it was and I wasn't disappointed. It has demonstrated that they can, over...
I'm sorely tempted for the sake of a couple of quid
According to the Charity Commission website; Retention of minutes – companies and CIOs Trustees of charitable companies must: take minutes at...
Agreed. I think I said very early on in this that it was a lost cause or similar. However, there is still a large constituency of people with ME...
I think this hits the nail on the head, it really feels like they just want everyone to be grateful, they know best and just shut up. I'm sure...
Thank you @Trish for using your energy to do this. I wish I could be as polite as you toward them.
And, where matters of confusion concerning the very articles that govern how the charity is run, one would hope that more than minor involvement...
As we have established previously, all trustees are equally responsible for the correct running of the organisation, something they may need...
Feels to me like they treat it as ‘their’ organisation rather than that of the members and those they support. Hence, I don’t believe they...
I think this is where I struggle with it; both trusted sources of the articles that have been in the public domain for a significant period of...
Doesn’t seem to exist. No meeting info seems to have been shared since the 2013 meeting from what I could see. My brain and body is mush now, am...
Managed to find a summary (not minutes) of the 2013 AGM noting the changes to the articles on the MEA website (don't think this has been shared...
Surely the whole point of documents being lodged with CH and the CC is to prevent the re-writing of history and changing things when circumstances...
Separate names with a comma.