Thanks for the thanks! It was a spectacularly long way of saying "Group Hugs, not Group Thugs" :P
Ah I say (stroking my chin), but does mass hysteria have an external cause? If not, how can it manifest in clusters? Either it is an individual...
Afraid you cannot do that without blocking all or most images I'm afraid MeSci. (I think) I'm sure Art didn't mean to cause annoyance, it's just...
I'm saying that people view from the experiences and social conditions that they are surrounded by. What is 'normal' in their culture is not...
This is a very interesting comment and my personal experience with CBT and GET (for different illnesses) has brought me to the same conclusion. It...
Glad you escaped the trap of social media, I did too, though I suspect there are many shadow profiles of us anyway. Social media, good for...
Abnormal Hyoglossus findings in fictional English male: A Case Study. A fictional male, who recently had his apex removed from his fundament...
As a fellow Yorkie, I can say that being confined to Leeds would provide me with every incentive in the world to improve and escape. I wonder if...
I would suspect that there is a response bias in patient accounts anyway? Whatever, I'm glad that @Tal had an improvement, and wish them the...
I think there is a culture clash here. The environment I was brought up in conditioned me to accept and get used to people saying bluntly what...
Agree, I think it's important that we humanise the people working on our behalf, and working for the truth. Even when they produce null results or...
Iain Duncan Smith actually said "look work actually helps free people". Lord Freud abstacted disabled people into "Stock". I can why you would...
I'm going from memory, but from a former journalist who described the process of self-censorship went something like this. Stage 1. The...
I might be able to enlighten you there. (Maybe it will interest @dave30th too)...
Ok, I'll bow out of this discussion, because it is too personal for me. I can't force anyone to have empathy about the subject. Telling people...
:hug: It's a very 'interesting' world you've stumbled into isn't it? Maybe we could start selling s4me foam desk/wall protectors for the poor...
With respect, I was trying to point out that: The funding mainly came from cancer charities and funds it is part of research into things like...
:D It's always projection with this lot. If you analyse their statements with this in mind, it says quite a lot.
We'd be doing something outlandish, like believing that killing Socrates was the wrong thing to do? You can't just go around questioning...
From the evidence above @Webdog, Elmer can fasten a bow tie, while the weasel seems to have not quite got the hang of basic tie fastening yet....
Separate names with a comma.