The 'treatment' cannot fail, it can only be failed.
I don't think anything you said would rank highly on the annoyance scale of what he usually reads. ;) The ideas society has about independence...
I'm sorry you experienced that. :hug: All I've seen is abuse for him in comments on media sites. The reporting is terrible. I think the fact...
Another point, what the hell did they expect him to do after leaving the airport? "Sorry we left your only means of mobility 100's of miles...
I think the important distinction he is making, is that he is capable of self propelling, and that it is his means of getting around. The...
All types of websites use our illness to generate traffic and revenue. There is a way to reduce their reward for providing poor and or harmful...
The Guardian's, gonna Guardian. It's in the name, and in the very foundation of the paper. I wish more people knew of why the Guardian came into...
I've known of people with ME to have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, social anxiety and agoraphobia. There is also the problem that...
It's very unusual in my experience in a UK context. I would say that it is a bit of a social taboo for anyone to announce how much they are...
Think there is a culture clash here in what is considered normal behaviour in charity donation.
Sorry to hear you were misled @MishaParker9456 , I was always given 7 tablets at most and warned about the addictive nature of zopiclone. Your...
I find it interesting that the SMC considers itself with the mainstream, as if it has nothing to do with creating and maintaining the very thing...
I forgot to add it, but this seemed to me the most interesting finding This was the part that really struck me on original reading as being...
How symbolic of his messianic zeal.
I think people will be interested in this paper which shows a way of detecting and showing how citation bias can create unfounded authority. The...
To find an institution that doesn't suffer from this problem, It would probably be one that treated whistleblowers well. I'm honestly struggling...
For work, I used to visit a Mr Kipling, with a big Mr Kipling van parked on his drive. I liked to think that he had got sick of the glamour of the...
Bristol Uni also has a problem with student suicides. The students are not happy with how the institution is being run....
It's very important to point out that you must be able to do activities, repeatedly, reliably and safely for it to count. Always stress this fact...
I'm afraid to inform you that CBT the fetish, involves physical blows to the genital area. CBT the therapy does not. Apologies for corrupting...
Separate names with a comma.