There is an evidentiary double standard in psychosomatic land though. Those suggesting these post-infectious conditions are driven by organic...
I expect the PACE crowd to articulate the same defenses as always regarding these physiological abnormalities. They’ll assert that they’re likely...
The evidentiary double standard is astounding. Those proffering biomedical explanations are expected to outline consistent pathological findings,...
I thought I had remembered some patient organization, perhaps ME Action, boast about the Mayo Clinic’s interest in updating its knowledge of ME....
Using the terminology “chronic fatigue” seems so disingenuous. Can anybody attest to Chalder’s reputation amongst physicians and academics? It...
I took LDN for several months and witnessed absolutely no benefits. It was prescribed early in my illness nightmare, and I felt the propensity to...
Studies like this tell them what they want to hear: All those frequent flyer patients you disdain are just nuts! And not only are they nuts, they...
I find him sinister, and it disheartens me to see such little pushback from the Boston clinicians working in this space. There is an OMF branch at...
Shure and Gaffney are engaging in incredibly condescending and outright repellant responses to calls for retraction. I felt that this tweet was...
[SPOILER] This individual’s profile indicates he is a physician. Unsurprisingly, very few coming to correct this commonly held prejudice. I hope...
What does Garner get, aside from publicity, with his continued bloviating in this space? Do patients who have recovered from other conditions...
That isn’t graphite on the ground, and those “radiation burns” are functional. A nice course of CBT will help that mutated cat get back to meowing...
Where is the mounting scientific evidence of functional causation? Is it based on rule in signs? Where is the evidence that any rule in signs mean...
At what point does this hypothesis, which is essentially a variation on general BPS theorizing, need to produce concrete evidence? It seems to...
I hope the Open Medicine Foundation, which has a recognized foothold at Mass General, systematically eviscerates these arguments. It’s an august...
The novel interventions for those who don’t respond to GET or CBT will be drivel like ACT. Also, there is a terrific team of clinicians and...
Does anyone feel they can offer speculation about the probability of NICE convening a new panel and conducting another review? I know it’s...
I always see this argument and want to launch myself into the sun. Who is being denied treatments? Anyone who wants to can embark on an exercise...
Just to make sure I’m not delirious and imagining this, Shure is arguing that reports of harm post GET aren’t enough to make causal claims, but...
I truly hope a concerted effort to counter this reporting is made. It recycles the same tropes about false mind/body dichotomies, intolerance to...
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