Kings’ provision of lawyers “when he needed them” is concerning - why would he have needed them? If it was for his involvement in legal disputes...
Yes. Why is this metabolism disrupted? This is the key.
Those articles tied together so much for me when I was first learning about ME. Without them I could not have made sense of my daughter’s...
It has been cited already:
The study is supported (funded?) by Omron Healthcare, a medical devices company whose mission it is to “ everything we can to minimize the...
I actually wondered whether that article was paid content.
How did you find the article OP? It doesn't appear in any of the sub-menus on the website, and curiously there is no other actual content on the...
Strikes me that redefining desire for social justice, or even just justice, as envy, is an effective political strategy to excuse a lot of what is...
17 papers were removed during eligibility determinations due to “No baseline risk factors of fatigue over time (n= 17)”. Not sure what that means?
Disgusting. A parent who is over-interested in their child’s loss of function? Get out of medicine you psychopath.
Abhijit Chaudhuri and Peter O. Behan 2004, “Fatigue in neurological disorders”, was about fatigue caused by faulty NMJ signalling and autonomic...
Thanks @glimpsesofme, I really enjoyed reading your response. My thinking on ME as a neuro-immune illness is of a receptor immune response which...
The model of ME described is a serious neuro-biological maladaptation, not the “old wine in new bottles”, not-a-real-disease Wessely model. In...
Loved it. Earnest compassion.
I am so resisting the urge to suggest it's mass hysteria...
I had what was thought to be a bout of severe vertigo, but in my medical notes it says “+ve cerebellar signs” so I wonder whether my inability to...
Who is the anonymous commenter I wonder? I would love to talk with her.
I couldn’t help wondering whether someone maybe dropped an acid tab into the street vendor’s rice cooker, especially as the girls carried out were...
You missed my point. My point was that the boy more likely died because the bird was toxic, or something else he ate was toxic, or he had a...
Separate names with a comma.