Why is there no laughing-with-tears emoticon? So magical thinking is actually true, and a young boy who dies a short time after eating a wild...
I believe herpes simplex lives on nerves and is reactivated by various triggers (including, for me, white hot anger). That an original infection...
That is a whole other level @Andy - it’s beyond anything I can understand.
She has children! How can she actually think that other mothers don’t know their own children, or feel differently towards their children than she...
Thank you for posting that @chrisb.
Thank you @Tilly.
Thanks @chrisb. It’s pure BPS. Funny the same ideas are persisting there 30 years later, given it’s a teaching hospital and you would think they...
So in looking to answer my own question, I found this: https://www.gosh.nhs.uk/file/583/download?token=G6vKoGMO I also note the use of CFS/ME....
Thanks @Andy. What is the history of CFS/ME and GOSH?
I had not read this before. I wish I had never seen it, but it is better that I know.
@Suffolkres, can you please share a link of some information on the child x case please?
But if ME/CFS is a diagnosis of exclusion, then the diagnosis can not be given until the pathogen and immune function testing has been completed...
Thanks @Simone!
It looks so interesting, I wish I could go. Hopefully sessions 1 and 2 (at least!) will be available on the Emerge youtube channel soon afterwards.
What a load of rubbish! From Melbourne as well! Appalling. ETA: I can’t find anything on Dan Guo online- he/she is listed under University of...
To be fair @Hutan, a parent with a child with ME *is* more likely to be anxious and/or depressed if they are confused and scared about their...
That’s a huge difference in CBT recommendation in Victoria and the only thing I can think of is that the Royal Children’s Hospital is in Melbourne...
Yep @EzzieD, that what I was thinking of...
I remember Keith Geraghty had another story of intimidation by S or W with his employers but I’m not able to find it on PR.
I’d really like to discuss non-allergic rhinitis as well, as it is my daughter’s most persistent symptom. I think the immunological sub-forum is...
Separate names with a comma.