ugh, how awful! I'm sorry you're having to go through this. It's so hideously typical. It's horrible knowing so much more than your doctor, I feel...
For what it's worth - which is very little in the scheme of things - but as one small voice within a whole... I am entirely comfortable with that...
Do just want to mention, lest we forget, that all this mind-over-disease thing is rampant in the cancer world too though. My mother was told, by...
yes exactly this for me too Yes for me too. PEM = worseinging of original symptoms plus new ones that are only there in PEM yes exactly
I agree
Do you think that line is about doctors' perceptions of whether the patient can 'help it' or not? - as in the idea that while their refusal to eat...
that's the opposite to me The more exhausted I am the worse my sleep is, PEM causes insomnia for me. Because it causes the shift into 'wired but...
yes because the truth is so incredibly uncomfortable. I worry for Miranda, I really do. How many times have we heard of people doing the LP and...
But there is where i fundamentally disagree. 23yrs ago I believed that. I believed that telling myself how i felt made me feel that way - telling...
Hi Aldebaran's Star welcome to S4 It depends what you mean by a 'better' day? If you mean whether more sleep predictably improves ME/CFS...
Are grand Rounds private Jonathan? I mean i know theyr'e not open to the public, but I have thought a few times that i wish your GRs could be made...
I second all this @JohnTheJack wishing you luck with it all
OMG :rofl::rofl::rofl: this describes my ME experience exactly, I mean things are just jumbled so completely that I do the most absurd things. And...
Absolutely necessary in this arena for sure!!! I'll be using it from now on! Thanks :)
Can i suggest that we edit the title of this thread? To start with either 'Crowdfunding' or 'Trial By Error', and to drop the 'DrPH' part (just...
Its even harder to express how grateful we are to YOU David! It makes me feel a bit nauseated to think where we'd be without Trial by Error and...
:rofl: This, when I am in polite society, shall hence forth be known as 'Dear Little Off'
10 Bucks says its Wessely :eek::eek::eek: :D:D:D
i agree. I think Miranda is likely intending to refer to the mitochondria there, which AIUI do multiply with exercise. But hey if only it were...
I didnt read all of it, but what i did was good. I'm not suggesting it shoudnt be sent, indeed it's necessary to have these things out there, but...
Separate names with a comma.