Just a single case where a person made worse by GET successfully sues the acute trust could change the risk profile of fatigue services such that...
In that case we need to find a friendly research director at a reasonably centrist socio-medical think tank, the Kings Fund or Social Market...
I don’t doubt that the story is true or the actress attributed illness to vaccination. I just think that it’s bad practice to link to sites like...
I suspect it would be a significant challenge to find the £50k+ that even a very lo-fi, no-frills, volunteer supported documentary would cost....
Netflix screened Unrest in the UK. Which means that their algorithm would find it easy to attract viewers for an ME polemic. Basically, they will...
I’d also say that something has gone awry if people on S4ME are linking to stories on The Gateway Pundit, which is beyond just being fringe and...
. I’d say not. Who wants to go down a rabbit hole concerning the exact meaning of informed consent in relation to Covid vaccines? And the...
Good for Biden. And well done to the UK’s counter-disinformation unit. You can’t promulgate dangerous nonsense online in a public health crisis...
Ballsy! If a smart lawyer identified a UK high volume “fatigue service” that had persisted with GET after the new NICE guidelines came out, and...
It’s a reasonable threshold though, isn’t it? ME wasn’t really rare, I’d have thought, even before long covid. I know several people IRL who have...
Was it ever? Prevalence figures vary, but never reach the 1 in 2000 threshold.
Generally good. A couple of oddities: it says that some pwME may be allergic to dairy, gluten, or nuts, so check beforehand. That’s certainly...
That’s presumably quite specific to doctors, though. And maybe cops and teachers, who also caught covid through imposed mingling with the sick....
Another hard yes. For me, exercise intolerance pains are specific to the limbs used, and feel more like muscular-skeletal damage, while PEM pain...
I’d have put the scare quotes around ‘doctor’ instead myself, considering that she’s currently on a nine month GMC ban for pushing, inter alia,...
Same source as the axed Panorama, by any chance? More detail would be useful there, too.
That’s an interesting story. I don’t understand how that could all have happened without more people in the ME patient and research communities...
Yes. Every single aspect of medicine has a horror story just waiting for a prize winning expose, these days. Why revisit the boring old ME spats?
A documentary on long covid would have more legs. Better currency. Much more chance of finding afflicted celebrities - and hopefully doctors - who...
Commiserations. Do you have all the resources you need to appeal? It sounds like a very difficult situation and maybe a members only thread would...
Separate names with a comma.