Some interesting points in that Mastodon thread, including that plagiarism detectors are easily triggered by stock phrases in results sections, so...
I’d have hoped that Mount Sinai researchers would be able to come up (or down) with some actual tablets.
Yes, but also with a strong sense that the onus is on the reader to do their due diligence. The original phrase “caveat emptor” (let the buyer...
Prusty doesn’t seem hugely concerned about consistency of narrative, and he may not always consider the potential impact of tweets before he...
If emails bounce back, and the forum really wants someone to reach out to Katie, I am only one connection from her on LinkedIn (and am tribally...
Xenforo (the forum software) is great if you’ve been using it since the turn of the century, and if your primary device is a steam-powered affair...
You might find the gait thread of interest, alongside the other ones that MSEsperanza flagged.
This would best be addressed by @rvallee . You’ve quoted my weak pun in reply to his post, thus tagging me rather than him.
Interesting for me that there’s little confidence in amitriptyline, which is what GPs tend to prescribe for chronic pain, at least in the UK.... Key messages...
Bump. I’m sick of planning life around minimised stair journeys, and of arms aching from being used as auxiliary legs. Has anyone with ME ever...
They’d read that and just assume you have a gilt complex.
Sounds good. On the other hand, you can lead an NHS specialist ME service to toolkits, but you can’t make them think.
The phrase “survival of the fittest” is something of a millstone round the neck for Darwinists: it means the organism best suited to an...
Nice Grauniad article about cosmologist and pwLC Catherine Heymans, who is challenging the standard cosmological model with novel accounts of dark...
Muscle weakness is a cardinal feature of this illness for lots of us, though, even if it’s bundled in with “fatigue” to fit the criteria.
Those should just be avoided, full stop. Covid or no covid. Actually, ME or no ME.
“On Reddit” is the “in mice” de nos jours.
I wish that everyone wore masks, but as my wife and daughters regularly mix unmasked with other humans, it’s not really worth wearing one myself...
Dawkins is complicated. He is opinionated on many issues and is vicious to anyone who disagrees with him on anything. There are plenty of...
Separate names with a comma.