My personal experience has been that hypersomnia or increased sleeping is a feature of the early stages of ME and the early stages of major...
Perhaps a tangent in this thread, but I suspect a problem with ME in relation to ‘disability’ is that we collectively have not decided if we are...
I haven’t read the article itself, but the abstract leaves open if the effects observed relate to the consumption of fluid plus temperature...
Not a constructive response give some people with Long Covid will meet the NICE criteria for diagnosis of ME/CFS. Does this represent lack of...
Thank you for posting this information.
Not justifying this, but won’t most health worker contracts have a clause that if you have been on long term sick for specific amount of time, you...
[sorry if this makes no sense, I am currently struggling linking my thoughts to useful wording] I have not bothered to look at the actual...
I had understood transgenerational violence related to situations of historical conflict, for example in Northern Ireland where people are still...
When I was diagnosed here in the UK in the early 1990s, I seem to recall both ME and CFS being used. If I remember correctly the Infectious...
There must be a lot of relevant information out there, but the problem is accessing it. Over forty years ago I knew someone whose job was...
I would love to see research into “Schizotypal personality traits, particularly magical thinking, and hallucination proneness, appear positively...
For me a big advantage of lock down during the pandemic was that it became much easier to restrict my activity levels, also other people became...
I have in the past wondered whether having a name that uses words with everyday meanings is actually unhelpful. I prefer a name that is not...
Great to see someone taking PEM seriously, but still there is an unevidenced optimism about full recovery. Already we know that a significant...
I have not read the article but do the authors have any recognition of the issues of PEM in Long Covid and for some the risks of exercise causing...
Is too harsh possible in this context?
In relation to ME my heart always sinks when I read the phrase ‘evidence based medicine’ as it generally means bad evidence relying on bad...
Hasn’t Prof White, since his supposed retirement and the refusal of the FOI request on the grounds of no staff left who are able to access the...
I had to look up PFAS: taken from
Presumably the LP folk could sue participants revealing the course contents in a civil breach of contract case, though presumably it would not be...
Separate names with a comma.