Why don’t people question that if something is ‘unbelievably good’ it might just be in fact unbelievable? Yes, the BPS empire building, all the...
So this in part my be an indirect ‘recruitment’ drive, in the same way as if you sign a petition sponsored by a political party you ever after get...
Is there a risk that such a petition could be counter productive? If the powers that be decide Long Covid and ME are more or less the same thing,...
Well said @Robert 1973. My first thought is that requesting parity of funding for ME and Long Covid just because there is an overlap in the two...
We could do with a stock response ready to send off every time someone confounds ‘ME/CFS’ with ‘chronic fatigue’ something along the lines of:...
It is so important that right from the start of any attempt to make anything conditional on being vaccinated or to produce documentary...
I had not read the full study and struggle with following the biochemical terminology (something I would have had no problem with pre ME), but...
Thank you @Andy
Thank you @Robert 1973, yes a much better piece of journalism. Though still suggestive that there are ‘sources’ breaching confidentiality.
The MEA are still sharing on Facebook links to these articles and allowing reader/member comments. Though Dr Shepherd is being very circumspect...
There is now another article, this time in the Times, on the three resignations: ‘Experts quit over call to drop exercise as treatment for ME’...
And no attention to accuracy, even when quoting a headline from her own organisation. Only three of the four actually resigned.
Can you be confident there were no orthostatic intolerance issues at that time? It retrospect I suspect my orthostatic intolerance was present...
In advance, thank you to our subgroup that collated our response to the November draft, who are also envisaging imputing time into considering...
I see rapid fatiguability as relevant here, though this also interacts with the PEM issues. I rapidly fatigue with sensory over stimulation or...
There is a potential concern in that Dr Shepherd in the MEA’s account of his being ‘stood down’ (see...
Brian Hughes in his ever inimitable fashion points out the failings of the BMJ’s recent article suggesting the three NICE guideline committee...
It will be quite a lot of work, but would it be worth having a list of deviations/changes in the main guidelines from the November draft, and an...
Presumably the final draft must be now agreed, as isn’t it due to go out under publication/comment embargo two weeks before the actual publication...
Dr Shepherd describes the ‘conflict of interests’ that lead to his being ‘stood down’ as follows: I know we have had discussions about this...
Separate names with a comma.