You see this in various acquired neurological conditions, such as stroke, in a general response to alcohol. But also specific symptoms such as...
There does seem to be a large variation between individuals as to what if any food intolerances they have and and also potentially variation with...
Frustrating that the sample size, potential of selection bias and the use of self reported questionnaires rather than a prospective food diary...
Why is it with ME and presumably now Long Covid even when people start to get it right they still get it wrong?
In theory I ought to be very positive about this video, it is addressing constructively many important issues not least PEM or post exertion...
At some point during the consultation, NICE did say that stakeholder comments would be published in full, but comments from others would only be...
Sorry yes I had not discovered some new phenomenon, I will correct my post.
Reading what @cassava7 has added to the above post, it seems (perhaps on the basis of insufficient information) that Chatterjee in her work...
It would be interesting to know if she is still actively involved within the FWBO, and combining that with being a Lightening Process...
The linked page says “Cities located: Manchester, London, Birmingham”. One reads of yogis mastering bi location, but tri location. (Sorry being...
I am not sure ‘suspicious’ is a fair choice of word, though I do agree that the two events are likely to be linked. If we had felt that the draft...
My study of logic was a life time ago, but if my memory services me correctly this would be a good example of the fallacy of ‘going from the...
Though I don’t think it is at all likely that the current press of publications since the closing date for comments will make their way into the...
The recent letter to NICE was linked to above, but I think it would be helpful to copy it below (see...
Have I correctly understood what has happened? - Dr Hng with others submitted feedback on the draft during the appropriate consultation period -...
Is a big problem with FND that currently it is inadequately defined, so it is possible for people to pick their own meaning and for individuals...
I wonder if it is worth asking whether we might be more successful fighting for the narrative internationally or on British stage. Undoubtedly...
Couidn’t this conversely have a ‘jumping on the bandwagon’ effect, drawing people in to do yet more of the same?
I initially thought, this is interesting. We don’t know if we can repeatedly be active up to our PEM threshold or if a cumulation of sub threshold...
This is probably irrelevant, but … … … I can appreciate that a chronic itch can become profoundly distressing, even overwhelming. However, it is...
Separate names with a comma.